View Full Version : No, I'm not having twins. Yes, I am due in August.

03-08-2009, 09:41 PM
The first of many such conversations that I'm sure are coming my way:

Grocery Store Clerk: When are you due?

Me (cringing): August.

Clerk (eyes widening): Oh my goodness!

Me: Yep, I know, we're big.

Clerk: Are you sure you're not having twins?!?!

Me: Yes, we're sure.

Clerk: How big was your first baby?

Me: Well they induced me at 38 wks because they thought she was going to be large but she was just 7 pounds 2 ounces.

Clerk continues marveling at my large size for only being 4 months pregnant, etc. Then we actually have a nice conversation about being a mom. She is obviously a very sweet lady...

but -- how many times is this conversation going to replay in the coming months?!? I want to say, okay people, my abdominal muscles are apparently shot after one pregnancy (not that they were good to begin with!), so let's back off the twins comments/oh you look like you're due much sooner!

I didn't put this in bitching post because the clerk was so nice and it was actually a sweet conversation overall.

Any ideas on how to respond in future? I don't want to be rude to people, but I can also see me getting a complex about how HUUUUUUGE I am!

Although really, I'm so happy to be pregnant with this kiddo, I don't truly care how big I am. Bring it :)

03-08-2009, 10:02 PM
I got that ALLLL the time with both girls (DD#1 was 9/3 and DD#2 was 8/6). I was freakishly huge with DD#1 -- gained 60+ pounds (which I lost within 2w PP, I was sooooo swollen up like the Michelin man). I was moderately huge with DD#2, "only" gained 40lbs.

Its not like I was eating bonbons or anything. IMO, your body just does what it is gonna do, KWIM? If your dr isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.

03-08-2009, 10:08 PM
I think the more kids you have, the earlier you show. With DC3 I was shopping in the Carter's store and had pretty much the same conversation you had with the cashier. Except she wasn't so nice, just kept saying, Wow and staring at my belly. A few of my family members were actually the rudest about this. The best I can tell you is to shrug it off. And Congrats!!

03-08-2009, 10:09 PM
I used to get that all the time! It was really annoying - I feel for you!

03-08-2009, 10:28 PM
Ugh, hang in there! I had a good friend that was due the same day I was with DD, except she actually was having twins. And it was her #3 and #4, so poor thing was huge and when we were right next to each other (which seemed to happen alot that year!) everyone's jaws would just drop when we told them that we had the same due date.

Happy 2B mommy
03-08-2009, 10:40 PM
hang in there! I wish I had a great comeback for you, but I suffer from the opposite problem. I'm overweight and a pear shape. This time I'm carrying so differently, I don't look pg- just really fat! We got together with friends yesterday and they kept saying "Gosh, you don't look 6 months pregnant."

03-08-2009, 10:40 PM
Ugh, hang in there! I had a good friend that was due the same day I was with DD, except she actually was having twins. And it was her #3 and #4, so poor thing was huge and when we were right next to each other (which seemed to happen alot that year!) everyone's jaws would just drop when we told them that we had the same due date.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Come hang out with me for a day, and you'll have the perfect comeback to that comment - "you should just see my friend who really IS having twins in August!"

03-09-2009, 12:29 AM
With my second, I got big early and got asked the twin question a lot. I didn't keep getting bigger though so by the third trimester I looked about the same as I did with my first. I think I was about 5 months along when it started to slow down.

This time I am pregnant with twins so it's kind of fun to answer the are you having twins question. People really don't expect you to respond with a yes.

03-09-2009, 12:34 AM
If you really don't want to answe their questions, just say "Next month." when they ask when you are due. If you don't know the person, it will save your having to explain... I was big too. From day one. My baby was 10.4.

03-09-2009, 09:06 AM
I show really early, and got the twins thing all.the.time w/DS. The worst comment was when someone looked me up and down, and said, "don't worry, you'll lose all that weight." I think I had gained all of 10 lbs at that point - I only gained 23 lbs total!

If it's someone you don't know, just say, "yes, I am having twins!" :D

03-09-2009, 09:22 AM

I get big early, too, and had approximately the same conversations. Even though I got a little bothered, I was so happy to be healthily pg that I could shrug it off.

03-09-2009, 09:54 AM
I'm also due in August and my parents arrived here yesterday for a week long visit. The first thing my dad said to me was "Gosh, M, you're HUGE!" Then my mom says "maybe you ARE having twins!" They were smiling, but I would have appreciated a "hey, great to see you" before the fat jokes started....

I have been known to say July over August so people won't stare as much because I'm huge too. I'm also already starting to swell, so the summer heat should be tons of fun.

Maybe we should start our own LAY OFF section of the BBB?!?! :)

03-09-2009, 04:09 PM
You could say having octuplets sounded like so much fun, you decided to try it. Or, maybe not....

Sorry people are so rude. At least pregnancy lasts only 9 months (or less for some of us).

03-09-2009, 05:03 PM
I carried my DS huge too (and DD, but DS even moreso). I know how it feels!

I looked full-term by 20-25 weeks. I mean, like huge beach ball by then. I am short (5'2") and then I also have a very short torso. I have like an inch between the bottom of my rib cage and the top of my pelvis. And DS also resulted in a diastasis recti (separated abs). All that meant by 39 weeks, I was flipping huge in the belly. With DS my belly even got "long" like a long watermelon LOL. The night before DS was born we went out for Thai food and our waiter asked me how many babies I was having. Sigh.

My friends and family literally couldn't believe the size of my belly. I carry all in front, but just huuuuuge. Both kids were the same weight, 8lbs 4oz, so not necessarily large babies, but I definitely carry big.

Sorry people were stupid and made such silly comments. They seem to do that w/ pregnant women about any number of topics, even if it isn't how large you are carrying.

03-09-2009, 05:17 PM
heh heh, I like the responses "next month", or "yes, it is twins!" if its someone you won't see again. I think I'm going to steal those!

My belly also got very big, very early in this second pregnancy. I've gained the same amount of weight as this time in the first pregnancy, so I guess I'm just gaining it in different places... ugh.

I also want to add that you sound like a very nice person. I get annoyed pretty fast these days and don't want to talk much after I'm the least bit PO'ed. AND, I also get annoyed about the people who say, "oh, wow, you look great, you've hardly gained a thing" - because I know they're lying thru their teeth :-) I've gotta regain a sense of humor!

03-10-2009, 09:00 AM
Whoo -- thanks ladies! reading these comments and ideas made my morning :)

03-10-2009, 09:22 AM
I feel your pain! Maybe it's an August due date thing though I really think it's because it's my 3rd baby and I have absolutely no ab muscles left to work with! I was in maternity pants by 10 weeks! I'm 5'2 and have such a short torso that there's no where for this baby to go but out :) Hang in there Mama!