View Full Version : taking a pregnancy test questions

03-27-2009, 08:58 PM
I am normally pretty irregular, so for me to take the test when I expect my period is really hit or miss. But, shouldn't the test be accurate two weeks after the possible date of conception (right before I thought I ovulated), regardless of the fact that I never have a 28 day cycle and am usually more 35 days, plus or minus 5?
I mean, I just figure that you're more fertile when you ovulate, then 14 days later is when you get your period, and that's when you would take the test. So, that's when I could take the test, right? So the negative result I got IS a negative, RIGHT?!? Or am I just totally totally wrong here because I never paid attention AT ALL in sex ed?
That's the first question.
Second - the test I took is a month expired (a leftover from when I was multiple testing my prior pregnancy) But a month expired isn't a big deal, right? it should still be accurate?! I know for my first, I used an expired test and I tested positive clearly. and that test was probably a year expired.


03-27-2009, 09:17 PM
I would re-test. I think I re-tested about 6 times.

03-27-2009, 09:19 PM
A negative can easily be a false negative, but a positive is usually a positive. I'd retake in another day or two.

Tondi G
03-27-2009, 10:13 PM
I'd retake in a couple of days... with a new test and first morning urine!

03-27-2009, 10:15 PM
Buy tests from the dollar store then you can test over and over without breaking the bank.

03-27-2009, 10:16 PM
Different tests have different sensitivities. I have a friend that didn't test positive until her period was almost a month late... at that point they knew they were pg but wanted a pg test picture.

03-28-2009, 02:00 AM
There are false negatives, different detecting levets, etc., and you should retest if you suspect, but to answer your quesstion: yes, a home test should detect a pregnancy 15-16 days after the day you KNOW you ovulated even if you don't have normal cycles. (But, how do you know you ovulated? Are you taking OV tests? Charting?, etc.) This would be the same day you expect, but miss, your period.

As for an expired test, I have no idea. I suspect those dates are there for a reason.