View Full Version : Transitioning baby from bassinet to crib

04-13-2009, 07:41 AM
How did you do it?

04-14-2009, 09:56 PM
We just did it! DD was 6 weeks old. She took too it right away. We all slept better I think. She was more comfy with the better mattress in her crib (she was in a PNP in our room) and I didn't wake up every time she made the tiniest noise. I was still getting up to feed her twice a night but we all got much better rest.

04-14-2009, 11:33 PM
We did it after the first night home!

How old is your little one? I would rock them to sleep- do you have a little soother or some soft music you can play in the room? We have some little night lights- and she has her FP Rainforest soother that we sometimes play- she is almost 15 mos and it has been pretty easy!

Good luck!

04-15-2009, 10:37 AM
DS was 3 months when we did it. We had to rock him to sleep but that wasn't a big deal. (we ended up having to do the sleep lady shuffle with him b/c he had GERD and had to be in an upright position 30 minutes after his last feeding, but other than that the transition was easy).

DD was put in a crib at 3 weeks. She was in a cradle in our room, but she was so LOUD that I could not sleep. I had to move her so I could sleep. She took to it immediately. I just laid her down with some soothing music and she went to sleep. We didn't have any issues until she was 10ish months old when we had to do a few days of modified CIO. She is almost 2 and loves her crib.

04-15-2009, 10:41 AM
We just did it! DD was 6 weeks old. She took too it right away. We all slept better I think. She was more comfy with the better mattress in her crib (she was in a PNP in our room) and I didn't wake up every time she made the tiniest noise. I was still getting up to feed her twice a night but we all got much better rest.
