View Full Version : any tricks for burping?

04-20-2009, 01:23 PM
kelly has a hard time working the burps out. any secret tricks from the pros here muchly appreciated.

04-20-2009, 01:28 PM
Over the shoulder was the least successful way for us. Propping the girls in a sitting position on our knee and jiggling the knee while patting the back was our best way. Sometimes I'd lay them across my lap and rub their backs. For us, it was just persistence. They'd take a long time to get around to burping!

04-20-2009, 01:28 PM
With DS I had to rub upward for a LONG time for him to burp. DD would only burp if I patted her. My mother used to think I was slapping her, but she would only burp with a little harder pat. Tried over the shoulder, laying her across my legs, rubbing her back. Nothing except the slightly harder patting worked for her poor kid.

04-20-2009, 01:42 PM
I usually had success with putting the baby on my lap in a sitting position and then swaying her back and forth with my hand supporting her chin while the other hand patted her back.

04-21-2009, 11:40 PM
With my first 2 boys I had luck sitting them on my leg with their bellies resting against my right arm (with right hand holding their head/neck to keep it from flopping) and left hand tapping their backs (sometimes stronger than tapping was needed).

With Greenbean, I put him almost over my shoulder- his stomach was against my shoulder- and I walked and bounced slightly. Sometimes while patting his back. It could take as long as 45 minutes before I'd get anything. He was quite old and still needed help burping- sometimes when he was 7 and 8 months old he'd start crying in the night and I knew he needed to be "walked." And sure enough, I'd get him out of his crib, walk him and within 15 minutes he'd burp and want to go back to his crib (I shoudl mention, though, at 7 and 8 months due to low muscle tone, he still wasn't sitting up on his own so that's probably why he still needed help burping at that age).