View Full Version : Stabbing myself with a fork

05-01-2009, 08:54 PM
I am on "vacation" to see my grandma and uncle and his female friend.

Last night DS #2 fell split his chin open
Spent evening in ER -- they used glue -- all seemed well
Had dinner with grandma, and DU's FF who called our president a word I cannot even type the first letter of. And then went on to say HORRIBLE things explaining she wasn't against other people. I wanted to vomit.
This morning DH #2 looked at a part of a museum and his chin SPLIT open again.
Went back to ER where STUPID "doctor" wanted to reglue. I asked to see attending, she said of course then started to GLUE his chin. Um no I want to see attending BEFORE you glue. Attending comes and says stitches (no kidding) and he gets 3 stitches. No
Come back to grandma's house and go out to dinner, DS #1 throws a small cup of ketchup across the table (WTF) who does that?

Settle down with a twisty straw and my grandma is watching Fox news (SO not my scene -- more NPR for me).

Stab me in the eye with a fork.

How much worse can it get? I am off to disney for 3 days in a day...

05-01-2009, 09:01 PM
Sounds like you have had quite the "vacation" there with your family...don't you just LOVE family!?!?!

Hope your DS feels better and his chin heals up soon.

Enjoy your time at the "Happiest Place on Earth"! Sounds to me like you deserve it.
