View Full Version : Thumbs down to complainers

05-05-2009, 11:21 PM
I am pretty active at school with volunteering in my ds's classroom as well as organizing/ participating in events for the parent organization. There was a 2 week span where a lot was happening and now all sorts of parents are complaining that too much is going on. A few thoughts I have on that...
1. if it is too much then just don't participate. Make choices with your kids and go from there. I know your kids probably want you to do it all but talk to them honestly about why you just can't do it all.

2. all you are being asked to do is show up. I'm not asking you to bake anything, spend money, set up, clean up or really do any extra work. This one really bugged me when I had to do all the shopping, organizing, setting up and cleaning up for an event recently. I have little pity for people saying they just don't have time for everything. Yes, I am a SAHM but I do have a life outside of the school too and need to find a balance. Other parents do WOH and have found ways to be involved. Every single little bit helps, I promise.

3. you say that for working parents there need to be more activities on weekends and in the evening. You even say that you would be happy to volunteer at them. Huh. I don't seem to recall you coming to any of the 5 Saturday morning open houses that I coordinated. How about helping with that big school event last month? Nope. Clean up day? No again. There have been plenty of events scheduled well in advance that we could have used your help on.

You know what? I am burned out too. I don't really feel all that sympathetic to the complainers, especially when they just sit back and complain. You have suggestions and ideas? Share them! We are all ears. Want to set the schedule? Feel like running some of the things? Go for it! I know I am trying my best and know that I can't make everyone happy. I feel bad if your little one is sad because they are missing out on some activities, I truly am. I wish there were a one size fits all perfect way of running things but someone will always find something to complain about.

Thanks for letting me vent. It was just one complaint too many from the peanut gallery.


05-06-2009, 02:04 PM
So sorry you're dealing with people like that.

It's so frustrating to put in the work and only hear complaining. I've totally been there. Hope your family had fun.

05-06-2009, 10:14 PM
Sorry you are having to deal with those people. I've been there too and it's annoying. You can't make all the people, happy all the time. After a while I start to just tune them out while nodding my head sympathetically at the same time.

05-07-2009, 09:09 AM
You know, if these same people would put 1/2 the effort into actually DOING something that they use to complain the world would be a better place.