View Full Version : Oh gheeze..."silly mommy" story

05-06-2009, 10:16 PM
Okay...please tell me I'm not the only one here!!!!!
DD took her bath, put some of her bath toys on the sink to put away...forgot......came back in later to pee....lifted lid...saw toys...went to put them back in tub and PLOP....right into the toilet...........!!!!.....okay I totally figured DH or DD would be the first to drop a toy in the toilet.....not me!!!!!!


Ahhhhh.......the funny, yet yucky, joys of mommy hood!!

05-07-2009, 02:07 PM
Oops! At least you dropped water-proof things in the toilet. I have dropped many things - hair ties, vitamins, band-aides. I've started keeping the lid down unless there's something in there I want to replace. LOL Keep long rubber gloves nearby....