View Full Version : Blood test to check for immunity?

05-09-2009, 01:01 PM
Has anyone had their child tested for MMR/Varicella/etc. immunity through a blood test? If so, can you tell me what it was like? Is it an actual blood draw from the arm or more of a finger prick or something in between (if there is anything in between)?

05-09-2009, 01:10 PM
Well, dd2 had a test to check for chicken pox titers and if I remember correctly it was a traditional blood draw from the arm. I'd imagine this would be similar.

05-09-2009, 01:44 PM
In the lab I work in, we would definitely do a blood draw from the arm. That said, if your child is needle phobic, you could try going to a pediatric hospital and hopefully they would have the numbing cream :)

05-09-2009, 02:06 PM
DD had chicken pox titers tested. It was a traditional blood draw.

05-09-2009, 02:38 PM
Haven't had it done because our ped was skeptical that the results could really be used to make any grand conclusions. I only knew "get their titers checked" but hadn't really researched what that meant. A bit bummed that it isn't a definitive way to make decisions.
