View Full Version : what kind of juices have you tried for your little ones?

05-09-2009, 02:52 PM
we have a 16mo. old and i have tried apple, white grape, pear & a carrot juice she so far will only drink milk from a sippy straw cup, i try to stick to organic foods & juices, does anyone have any suggestions of a juice she might drink? no sugar juices please.

05-09-2009, 02:59 PM
Why offer juice at all, out of curiosity? I have a 17 month old and he doesn't get juice. He is plenty happy with just water. :) He has tasted big brother's juice twice and I know he would love some of his own. but there's not a lot to be gained nutritionally with juice plus water is free and readily accessible. Just a thought. Ds1 (almost 7yo) prefers water too, which I love. :)


05-09-2009, 03:03 PM
Is there a particular reason you are eager to get her started on juices? My DD gets it as a treat periodically, and then usually watered down by at least equal part water. But, I don't want to get her "hooked" so that she avoid milk and water. I would rather her eat whole fruits on a regular basis.

But, to answer your question, I've tried cranberry, pomegranate, apple and orange. I also occasionally buy the packs of organic juice boxes from Costco that have mixes of 100% juice (fruit punch, etc.). Carrot juice sounds like a good idea - DD is pretty veggie-phobic, but maybe she'd drink carrot juice.

05-09-2009, 03:09 PM
I agree with PP's that there is no reason to even introduce juice. Both DS's only drink milk and water at home, as that's what they prefer. The only juice DS1 gets is a small juice box at school with his snack.

05-09-2009, 03:14 PM
we've never done juice. My older daughter is six years old and drinks milk or water. She sometimes gets juice as a treat at birthday parties where there is no other option, but she almost always asks for water.

juice is almost as bad as soda, nutritionally. It's sugar and empty calories. (natural sugar from the fruit, but still sugar)

05-09-2009, 03:42 PM
she doesnt seem to me like she is drinking enough, she rarely will drink water, that was my first choice she just doesnt really seem to like water and only drinks about 16oz.. of milk a day.

05-09-2009, 03:47 PM
My ped said 16 oz. of milk is plenty at that age, but if you are worried about her fluids, and she won't drink water, maybe try some "juicier" fruits - like oranges? Would she drink smoothies? My DD loves them. Or maybe buy a couple of new kinds of cups that she would be excited to drink from?

05-09-2009, 03:49 PM
havent tried smoothies maybe i can try that. thanks