View Full Version : formula temp?

05-10-2009, 08:18 PM
do you think that it's easier to burp cold, room temp, or warm formula-fed babies?

i am asking b/c ds always gets warmed bottles. nightmare to burp. just now his bottle sat while i was burping and got to room temp, he sucked in more air
(gaspy gulping) however final burps were clear and loud.

just curious if others have noticed any difference. tia

05-10-2009, 08:34 PM
That's funny - and so is the new siggie... we only did cold/just made bottles, never warmed. Getting the bottle straight from the pump never happened either. I'd *think* cold would be easier to burp, just like DH and his cold beverages. He never burps after his organic bancha tea.

05-10-2009, 08:54 PM
With Jack warm much much easier to get him to burp. I either warm his water for 20 seconds in the microwave or put it in the bottle warmer. Cold milk gives him belly pains and he fights drinking it. I warmed all the boys forumla till they stopped drinking it.