View Full Version : I was not giving you a dirty glare for bfeeding in public...

05-18-2009, 10:51 AM
i wish mothers could all be more sensitive to other mothers. it's something i need to learn to do as well. i was out running errands this weekend and i got a very dirty glare from woman who was breastfeeding her baby in public b/c i turned away and then turned back again and i know i had a pained look on my face. i was in no way discouraging the uncovered bfeeding. i bfed my son for 18 months in public. i was looking b/c i saw the cute baby and when i realized she was bfeeding i turned away in pain b/c i LOVED bfeeding my son but i just suffered a m/c a month ago and just got results from my bloodwork that i have a clotting d/o. this was my second miscarriage and although i have a 2 y/o son, it scares me that he will be my only child, i am almost in my mid-thirties so i am running out of time etc... i had been feeling optimistic the past couple weeks until the bloodwork results brought back the pain i felt when i miscarried AGAIN. at least i have a possible answer but it just brought me back a few steps resulting in memories. no- i did not say anything to this woman who assumed my turning away with a funny look was about her. it was in fact about me and my issues. as mad and annoyed as it made me to get such a DIRTY glare when i was so sad i could cry, it reminded me to be more gentle with other mothers and remember that their behavior is not about me it's about them- even though i wanted to YELL out why i was turning away to make her feel as bad as i felt about her behavior. i am probably as liberal about bfeeding as this this woman but she seemed so ready to attack if she even thought people were judging her.

that is all. i just had to get this off my chest b/c i was so annoyed!

05-18-2009, 11:03 AM
The whole idea of giving people looks, etc. doesn't work for me. Honestly, I'm usually so busy I don't notice if anyone is giving a look or not. I'm sorry that you had an unpleasant reminder of your miscarriage and that you were misunderstood.

I wish people would talk to each other more! I think most people are not that bad to talk with.

I actually had a great experience with public breastfeeding where a woman came up to me TWICE to tell me "Good job mama" and then she came over again to tell me how she's a huge supporter of breastfeeding. She was very nice and I appreciated the positive feedback.