View Full Version : Who has moved into our backyard? ETA- Eastern Cottontail (in first post)

05-21-2009, 10:33 AM
In one day someone has built a nest outside DD's window (in her sunflower and moonflower garden). It is made of grass straw and small branches and nestled behind the base of the bamboo sticks that support the moonflowers. It literally was not there yesterday.

I don't see any of the surrounding flowers or foliage (including our garden plots some 20 feet away) nibbled on. My first instinct was bunny--- but I would have thought she would had a snack or two while she was building it plus the nest seems really small. (it does appear to only be above ground, especially since I know there are bricks right below it as the support for the bamboo stacks)

I can't imagine snakes gather sticks from across the yard.

Is it a mouse? Don't they choose to live inside? (especially since there are some open weep holes on my house inches away)

I know some types of birds make nests on the ground but I thought they still make open top nests.

Any ideas? Any similar experiences? We (Dd especially) are pretty excited (as long as it isn't a snake...lol)



ETA- I checked out the website of our county's extension office... and I think it is a bunny (we have eastern cottontails). Here is the description from their website which seems to fit.

"They breed from February through September, with the peak occurring between March and May. Gestation is 28 to 30 days, with four to six young born per litter. The female digs a small, shallow depression about the size of a woman's hand. The nest is lined with grass and the female's fur. The top of the nest is camouflaged with dried grass, small sticks and leaves."

From that description they are smaller than I would have imagined. I guess at dusk tonight, bunny watch begins.

Snow mom
05-21-2009, 10:40 AM
I'm sure my DH would have an idea for you but I can't narrow it down too far. It could be a small rodent (lots of native rodents would build a nest rather than living in your house) or a bird. It sounds like a fun project to try to figure it out without disturbing the resident.

05-21-2009, 11:12 AM
DH doesn't know but is thinking bird, possibly small rodent. He vetoed snake and said a mouse's nest would likely be more concealed.

DD2 (4.5) said "maybe it's a caterpillar nest!" She's crazy about caterpillars lately ;).

Hopefully with some time and patience you'll get to see whose it is. Looking forward to an update!

05-21-2009, 11:22 AM
Hard to judge on the hole size - but assuming it's as large as it looks in the pic - I'd guess a bunny.

05-21-2009, 11:26 AM
I'd guess a bunny too.

05-21-2009, 11:45 AM
Looks like a bunny....looks like she built a good hiding spot....lat year we had one in the middle of our yard...not a good spot for babies.

05-21-2009, 12:51 PM
I'd guess a bunny or a chipmunk. Bunnies are very active at dinnertime/dusk so you could hang out (aways from the hole) and see if there are any around. Chipmunks like Sugar Smacks (and other very sugary cereals :) )

05-21-2009, 12:55 PM
We live on a very busy road and not in a wooded area...last year we found a nest similar and then a few days later...baby oppossums (really tiny). We had animal control come out to identify. Basically, we left it alone and, eventually, the mom took the babys to another home!!

05-21-2009, 12:56 PM
We can't wait to find out who lives there and will update for sure if we find out. DD keeps suggesting animals from her favorite books and has looked outside her window about 500 times since this morning.

I just put her down for a nap so I am off to google for some help too. We have a list of the birds that frequent our feeders every day so I think I will start there and see if any nest on the ground.

05-21-2009, 01:19 PM
Ooh, how fun! My DD would go nuts! Right now she insists there's a wombat living in our backyard after reading "Diary of a Wombat"!!!

Could be a bunny although they usually dig holes in the ground rather than straw nests - maybe this one is in construction. ;) I guess one question is, what part of the country do you live in?

Keep us posted!

05-21-2009, 01:25 PM
I guess one question is, what part of the country do you live in?

Keep us posted!

We are in North Texas (between Dallas and Oklahoma). And I am thankful that Texas A&M University runs our county extension office--because their website turned out to be great. Last year I checked out at least 10 books out from the library to identify all our bird feeder birds... today I discover the website has a photo library of local birds and animals.

05-21-2009, 04:23 PM
LOL! I was wondering what you would find out. Just this afternoon, I discovered we have bunnies under the front porch. This is in addition to the raccoons we have had in the attic and walls for more than a week now. The relocator will be coming back this evening to try another trick to get the mom to move her brood out.