View Full Version : oh no. my stash.

05-22-2009, 08:16 AM
I am currently on day 2 of a dairy elimination diet in an attempt to clear up DD's collection of symptoms that point to some kind of sensitivity. And at 4:00AM as I was nursing her and drifting off to sleep, I was suddenly jolted upright by the thought of the 300+ oz stash filed away in my basement freezer. The stash that I so carefully stockpiled during the first three weeks of her life when I was pumping around the clock to maintain supply as she worked through her feeding issues. The stash that helped make those weeks more bearable. The stash that is (of course) FULL. OF. DAIRY. PROTEINS. <commence weeping>
OK, I know I am jumping the gun a little bit as we don't know yet if she really has a dairy issue. But I am beside myself anyway. :(

05-22-2009, 08:20 AM
Oh no! I can understand why you are stressed right now! I hope you figure out her allergies/senstivities quickly and hope your stash is still useful afterwards! That's quite an impressive collective of bm!

If for some reason she can't use it, maybe you could give it to someone who is struggling with nursing (I was definitely there) or an adoptive mommy? Let me tell you, a gift like that would have overjoyed me!

05-22-2009, 09:15 AM
If for some reason she can't use it, maybe you could give it to someone who is struggling with nursing (I was definitely there) or an adoptive mommy? Let me tell you, a gift like that would have overjoyed me!

That was my first thought.

I don't produce 100% because of a previous breast surgery and would be weeping with joy if someone gifted me with frozen breastmilk.

05-22-2009, 09:40 AM
That was my first thought.

I don't produce 100% because of a previous breast surgery and would be weeping with joy if someone gifted me with frozen breastmilk.

I would love to do this if it turns out we can't use it. I certainly couldn't bear to throw it away and it would help ease the pain. I don't know how I'd go about finding someone but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. You mamas sure do know how to look on the bright side! :)

Snow mom
05-22-2009, 11:28 AM
I was going to suggest donating it too. Hopefully you stored in bags or something like that where you don't have to worry about loosing the container. I donate to my local milk bank. The milk goes to NICU babies so they have a lot of rules (about meds and supplements mainly.) I know a woman at my LLL meeting mentioned having donated milk through an online site because her stored milk didn't meet the bank standard. The people she donated it to were extremely thankful.

05-22-2009, 06:20 PM
Yes, donate it!! Here's a way to find a milk bank near you:


I donated over 1100oz to the Indianapolis bank during DS2's first year - it was so worth it! I had to fill out a questionnaire and do a blood draw, then once I was approved, they coordinated all the shipments to the bank.