View Full Version : antihistamines and BF

05-22-2009, 11:38 AM
I take loratadine (generic Claritin) year round for my indoor and outdoor allergies. As of last Monday DD2 still hadn't gotten back up to birth weight- at just under 3 weeks. She's gaining, just very slowly. The ped took out L&M's charts to compare their weight gain and they were both slow gainers, too, especially M (and I didn't take Claritin with either of them). The ped had told me to stop taking my allergy meds b/c it might be affecting my supply. I stopped, and have been miserable ever since! I read on kellymom.com that loratadine is safe and that there is no evidence that antihistamines affect milk supply, it is more likely hydration/diet. I had to take one today b/c I just couldn't take the itchy eyes/nose anymore.

Just wondering if anyone takes/took allergy pills while BF. Did it have any impact on your supply? I haven't noticed a difference in my supply while NOT taking them, so I think I'm going to start again- or at least every other day.

Just looking for some BTDT! Thanks!

05-22-2009, 12:07 PM
Well, I did with Sarah. I did have issues with supply with her, but she also had a high palate and in retrospect I was not nursing her often enough.

With Amy I did not take it (in the early days, I do now), but I was extra paranoid about anything that might affect my supply.

I would try something simple like fenugreek capsules as a little supply boost. It can't hurt.

05-22-2009, 12:24 PM
I was told not to take antihistamines, but that steroid nasal sprays (Flonase, Nasonex, etc) were OK while BFg. However, my seasonal allergies were non-existent while PG and BFg -- this is the first year in over 5 yrs I've had them!

05-22-2009, 01:44 PM
Hmm.. I was told not to take them either. They said I could take Sudafed though for a runny nose and put eye drops in my eyes (I had itchy eyes). Maybe consult with another doctor (if it was a ped first, try a family dr or your ob).

05-22-2009, 02:38 PM
I am taking Claritin to try to deal with the symptoms of whatever nasty virus I have. The dr. at the urgent care suggested it along with Tylenol. Neither seem to be doing anything BTW!
I also checked my breastfeeding book and it said that antihistamines are ok. I want to take a sudafed (and vicodin!) so bad but I know that the sudafed will affect my supply.

05-22-2009, 03:01 PM
"They" say that antihistamines are OK for breastfeeding (in terms of affecting supply) and that decongestants are not. However, everyone reacts differently to different meds.