View Full Version : Q for moms who pump once a day..

05-24-2009, 10:31 PM
.. do you pump both breasts at the same time? I don't - it just seems like it would take a lot of coordination. I know there are devices you can buy to make your pump "hands free" but I haven't tried one out yet. I ALWAYS get more milk from the first breast and I wonder if I would get more total milk if pumping both at the same time.


05-25-2009, 01:47 AM
I always pumped both at once. It never occurred to me to just do one at a time. I HATE pumping so I never wanted to spend any more time than necessary doing it. The hands-free bra (can't remember the brand name now) worked fine, although I never had a problem just using my forearm to keep the horns in position. (I don't know if that makes any sense.) I think you probably do get more milk by pumping both at the same time (I'm guessing you get stronger letdown), but maybe a more expert pumper can step in and confirm or correct that.

05-25-2009, 06:43 AM
I get a lot more when I double pump, even after I dropped to once a day with DS. You can buy something (google hands-free pumping bra and you'll get lots of hits) but after I had an unfortunate incident with the velcro on mine (ouch! :eek:) I snipped two holes in the front of an old sports bra and that works even better. It is nice to be able to sit there and do something else with your hands, too, like flip through a magazine and sip your tea.