View Full Version : Please just make a decision!

05-28-2009, 09:49 PM
My DH never has an opinion, or makes a decision. I will ask him a simple question and he says "I don't know" or "whatever", or something along those lines. For example, I asked him earlier if he wanted to go for a run after we got the kids down since I ran after work. Instead of saying yes or no, his response was "whatever"!!!! Really??? You're the one running, just decide. At least tell me you will think about it, but "whatever"? What kind of answer is that? This happens all the time and it is making me crazy!!!

05-28-2009, 10:33 PM
Arrrrgggghh! OMG I so totally completely sympathize with you. DH does this to me ALL THE TIME. And it is absolutely infuriating. If you find a cure please be sure to post it! ;)

05-28-2009, 10:33 PM
Um, did you marry my ex-DH?

I feel your pain. That man couldn't make a decision over anything. Still can't. I used to love to watch the pain on his face over simple questions like, "Do you want green beans or broccoli with dinner?" Even now, he will pick up DS1 and I'll casually ask what they are going to do. Big mistake.

I think, at least in my ex's case, it comes from having a mother who made all of his decisions for him.

05-29-2009, 05:39 AM
Granted she's only 7 years old, but my niece will not make a decision. So we give her 3 seconds then we make the decision for her!

SO...with DH. Ask him if he wants to run...give him 3 seconds and them ANNOUNCE to him "Guess what honey, I've decided that you ARE going to take a run!"

Maybe that will make your point :)

05-29-2009, 08:00 AM
I hate that too! I ask him, "where do you want to go to eat?". Him: "I don't know, where do you want to go?". It drives me nuts, pick a place & let's go. I'm always left to make the decision about where we eat, what errands we'll run, what we'll have for dinner, etc.

05-29-2009, 09:46 AM
I am so totally with you all on this one. We just had a big talk this week about his inablity to make a decision. His reply is always "we can do that if you want" as in "Do you want chicken for dinner" "we can do that if you want". Then, in my head I'm thinking "No S*&T I wouldn't have asked if you wanted chicken in I couldn't make it- the question was do you want chicken" Drives me nuts.

05-29-2009, 10:52 AM
We have this conversation at our house:
Me: What do you want to do today/night?
DH: I dunno. What do YOU want to do?
GAH! It's like being in high school!