View Full Version : When did you start solids?

05-29-2009, 02:27 AM
We know the basic guidelines (should be sitting, have lost the tongue thrust reflex, bare min of 4 months/better close to 6 months) but have been getting a lot of family remarks about the fact that F is "still" not on solids. He is 5 months (but was born 4 weeks early so I kinda consider him to be closer to 4 months) and is just starting to sit (he does that wobbly V sit with his hands out in front of himself but is still prone to bobble head himself over), he also has lost the tongue thrust reflex. I am planning on waiting till early July or so (6 months).

I wonder when people started and if you started at 6 months or later did anyone bug you about it? Every time I see 2 people in particular they talk up solids. That does not sway me, but it is starting to get irksome. We started T at 4 months but he was much bigger than F, was sitting more or less and was starting to reach for our food and stuff it in his mouth. He took to eating with a gusto only exceeded by a starving person who has been entered in a pie eating contest. Different situation entirely- he was ready right at 4 months, I don't think F is.

05-29-2009, 02:40 AM
We started DS1 at 6 months & DS2 at 7 months. In the beginning, it was just a few bites after nursing to get the idea of eating food. DS2 had a fistful of mash potatoes stolen off of my plate when he was 5 months old, but otherwise he was fine waiting. We didn't get any grief for waiting until 6 months. There's really no need to rush. You know your child better than anyone else.

05-29-2009, 02:45 AM
People are always telling you what to do with your kids - fact of life! It is hard to ignore them, but this is one of many areas where I'm glad I did. I think we started a week shy of 6 months, mostly because of my impatience with wanting to see what it would be like! DD was certainly interested in our food at that point in time and she was able to sit up by herself then. I was absolutely not going to start at 4 months - no way was she ready. You raised one kid just fine; I'm surprised anyone feels they have the right to tell you how to raise your second!

05-29-2009, 03:23 AM
We waited until at least 6 months both times around. I think people asked more this time, and due to craziness in our lives/schedule, it was at least 6.5 mos before we started.

And we're moving pretty slowly yet, with an average of just over 1 new food a week. The only things that have been a huge hit with the first try thus far have been avocado and watermelon (latter in a baby safe feeder). Everything else has gotten funny looks until at least the second try.

05-29-2009, 09:06 AM
We tried at 4m with ds1 (that was ok back in the old days :)) but he wasn't into it. It was upsetting his sleep and he just didn't seem to care. So, we tabled it till 6m.

With ds2, he was probably 6m 2w because I was waiting for him to start looking longingly at our food.


05-29-2009, 09:26 AM
We waited until 6 months, too, and moved pretty slowly. I just love unwanted advice from well-meaning friends...so helpful! :shake:

05-29-2009, 10:50 AM
5.5 mos for both kids. DS took to it like a duck to water, and was eating 3 meals a day pretty quickly.

DD doesn't care. She eats two bites and gets bored. She gets a few bites most days, but really it is a PITA, I am lazy, and until she actually cares, I don't see why I should bother. I sound so neglectful, lol. She does like to self-feed (I let her grab the spoon), so I think I'll try the mesh feeder (which DS hated) soon. I may also cut up some very soft things very small, as she has an amazing pincer grasp already (took DS a long time to get it down).

I have 3 friends w/kids that are all within 1 week to 1 month *younger* than DD. DD was the last of the bunch to start solids; they all started between 4-5 mos. They all thought I was weird for waiting "so long" but, eh, whatever.

05-29-2009, 11:07 AM
We waited until 7 months with DS. I figured he'd have the rest of his life to eat solids, so what was the rush? My parents did bug me about it just a little bit (mostly because DS is their only grandson and they were excited), but I just gave them the whole "pediatrician said to wait until AT LEAST 6 months spiel" and that shut them up.

05-29-2009, 11:14 AM
We waited until both boys were lunging for food. That was at a little before 6 months for both of them. Then we just did the 'first foods' for a couple of months. Until they got good at grabbing our food, that is! ;)

05-29-2009, 12:01 PM
We waited until 6 months for allergy purposes. I did rice cereal and then oatmeal at first. I don't think I started veggies until they were closer to 7 months- maybe banana, but that was it. I don't remember anyone giving me a hard time, but I had the allergy fear with DS and then played it safe with DD, so people knew better than to question me!!!

05-29-2009, 12:48 PM
We started at 5.5 months, she was ready then. We did get some comments about starting around 4 months, but mostly over the phone so easier to just listen and then keep doing what we were doing.

05-29-2009, 12:52 PM
I started with DS1 at 4 months and he did great right away. DS2 is 4 months 2 weeks now and we will try this weekend.

05-29-2009, 01:06 PM
We started at 6 months with DD1 and at 6 months and a week or two with DD2, but she really wasn't into it. We'd try again every few days, but we didn't consistently start offering her daily meals until about 8 months.

05-29-2009, 01:41 PM
6 months for us too.

05-30-2009, 11:46 AM
DD started at 6.5 months, but didn't really eat much til 11 months. We didn't start DS til 7.5 months, and he has eaten a lot ever since. We like to go straight to table foods (starting with soft bits of banana, avocado, homemade chunky applesauce), skipping purees, so older is better for us. People did ask when DD was going to start solids a lot, but by the time DS got to that age, I think everyone was used to us doing things differently than most other parents we are friends with, so they didn't ask too much. :) When they did, I responded that breastmilk is all they need for the first year, and solids are just for practice.

05-30-2009, 12:56 PM
DS started at 24 weeks. He was ready probably a little earlier. We got asked a lot about when he'd start solids. It was getting to me a bit but I guess they were just trying to be helpful and they were concerned that DS was not getting enough nourishment.

05-30-2009, 01:10 PM
We started DD at around 4 months - at that time she was nursing so much in the evenings that I couldn't put her down so I could eat dinner, so the "early start" was to save my sanity. (she would not take a bottle at all) We took it easy and didn't give her much except a small meal of dilute rice cereal until she was 5 months or so.

DS we started last week just shy of 6 months. He probably had doubled his birth weight by 4 months and has been sitting sturdily in the high chair for a few weeks now. It didn't seem right to wait much longer, but I'm sad for the stinkier diapers. And as he is likely my last baby, I'm selfishly sad to have him growing up too fast.

05-30-2009, 01:31 PM
We started at 6 months - we got LOTS of questioning from both family and mommy friends. I just smiled and said that's great when people would tell me how early their DC started solids. :)

05-30-2009, 02:31 PM
We started at almost 9 months with the last baby and will do the same with this one. It was so easy when we waited that long. She went almost straight to table foods and we didn't have to do that thing where you scrape the puree off their chin and put it back in their mouth again. :)

foods before 12 months are just for practice, they shouldn't be getting enough to replace any calories of breastmilk or formula. And the longer you wait, the less they need to practice.

05-30-2009, 03:03 PM
The recs here in Quebec seem to be 6 months at least across the board from public health nurses, the govt, available literature, and peds. So, we waited until the tongue thrust thing was OK and started. Actually, I wish we'd waited a bit - until the middle of the 7th month at least, as DS really wasn't all that interested and it was very hard for all involved.

We didn't really have to deal with too many comments about not starting earlier than 6 mos. (a few from the older generation, not pushy, they just didn't know the new recs). But it does seem that there are more people who start at 4 mos. outside of this province, and the bulking up of bottles with rice cereal still seems to be common practice outside of QC too. I'm basing this on friends from ON, the Atlantic provinces, and the US. So, maybe the recs are different? I don't know. That may account for the "peer pressure" you're experiencing.

Based on our difficulties, if we have another DC I would wait until the child was really showing interest in others' food before starting. Whether that's 5, 6, or 9 months. You've got to do what's right for you, and what's right for your child. But it's certainly not a race :)

05-30-2009, 03:27 PM
Mine were 6 weeks early, and I waited a few (not 6, but maybe 3) weeks beyond 6 months for that reason. I would've been comfortable waiting a little longer, but at that point I think I just thought it was going to be fun (which, it kinda was). I remember a couple comments, but I just quoted the 6 months thing and left it at that. People just take every opportunity to give their opinion, but just stick to whatever you decided.

05-30-2009, 10:33 PM
This is a little off topic, but this reminds me of how different each stage is with each child.
First child: I could not wait to start her on solids because I heard (and believed) the rumor that it would help babies sleep. I also thought it would be so much fun. She started on cereal at 4 months.
Second child: Well, I guess we should offer her some solids now. This was around 6 months.
Third child: When the heck am I going to have time to feed her solids? Oh, we'll wait a few more months. She'll be 6 months on Monday.:)

05-31-2009, 08:21 AM
It's interesting to hear everyone's different experiences and reasons for starting at different times. My DS is 5 months now. The ped told us that we could start cereals at 4 months. I was a little surprised but DS is doing everything early. Got two teeth at 4 months, stood supported at two months, rolled over at 3 months, ect. He wouldn't take the cereal, hated it. We tried mashed bananas instead as some posts in this forum have suggested. Ped okayed that too. He loved the bananas, couldn't get enough.

At 5 months we started him on baby food because he was eating 48 ounces of formula a day. We had tried giving him pacifiers and teethers thinking he just wanted to suck or chew but it didn't work. He really was hungry. Now he's eating two solid meals and about 36 -40 oz. formula. He laughs and laughs every time we put him in his highchair even before we start feeding him. He loooooves his solids.

05-31-2009, 08:29 AM
We started at almost 9 months with the last baby and will do the same with this one. It was so easy when we waited that long. She went almost straight to table foods and we didn't have to do that thing where you scrape the puree off their chin and put it back in their mouth again. :)

This is a little off topic, but this reminds me of how different each stage is with each child.
First child: I could not wait to start her on solids because I heard (and believed) the rumor that it would help babies sleep. I also thought it would be so much fun. She started on cereal at 4 months.
Second child: Well, I guess we should offer her some solids now. This was around 6 months.
Third child: When the heck am I going to have time to feed her solids? Oh, we'll wait a few more months. She'll be 6 months on Monday.:)

:yeahthat: to both of these.

DS1 we tried around 6 months but it was a pain to feed him, so it was more around 7-8 months when he started self feeding that he really had much. DS2 and DS3 we just waited until they could feed themselves around 7-8 months. I think around 6 months I would put them in the highchair and put some puffed rice on the tray for them to play with during meals. When they could actually get some in their mouth on their own, we started trying other things.

05-31-2009, 07:47 PM
3 months on cereal, reflux baby and had to have it w/ her meals to help keep food down. 4-5 months on fruits/veggies. DD never really ate babyfood so as we went along, I mushed up veggies and fruits for her.

05-31-2009, 08:47 PM
6 months, and if I had it to do over again, I'd probably go a little longer than that. And yes, I was harassed about it. I don't know why people get so crazy about solids.

06-01-2009, 12:23 AM
4m with DD#1 and 5m with DD#2. With DD#1, her dr told me to start rice cereal after her 4m appt. She gobbled it up right away and meal times were so much better without her lunging for our food, LOL. Started at 5m with DD#2 on the advice of her pediatric dermatologist.

The recommendations here are 6m, but the application of that seems to vary by dr and child. Both of my girls were pretty big babies and on the 95th % at birth and for most of the 1st year of life. They were EBFd exclusively to when they started solids and never had formula, on BM or solids.

FTR, my girls' pediatric allergist swears up and down that rice cereal does not cause allergies, regardless of when it is introduced. I know that is not a popular sentiment on this board, but it is what it is.

I used organic brown rice cereal and mixed it with water.

Tondi G
06-01-2009, 01:03 AM
my 1st DS ate oatmeal at 4 months and devoured the small bowl of cereal like it was the best thing he had ever had in his life. He ate like I was starving him... even though he was still nursing about every 2 hours around the clock!!! He was ready.

DS#2 tried cereal around 4.5 months and wasn't all that into it... we didn't push it that much and I guess he was eating more regularly around 5 months or so.

If you think DS isn't ready then wait... there is no rush. Don't worry about what other people have to say... you know your child!

06-01-2009, 10:52 AM
With DS we were adding rice cereal to his bottles at 2 months old (per the ped GI). He really didn't start "solids" until 5 1/2 months old and we took it very very slowly. With DD we held her off until 6 months. At 4 months she was reaching for our food, but I just felt it was to early for her. At 6 months we started with baby food. She revolted and only wanted what we had at the table, so pretty much from the start I gave her table food (started with very mashed up sweet potatoes and went from there). DD is still a H.U.G.E. eater.

I never really paid any attention to what people told me. Most people gave me gross misinformation anyway and I did what I thought was best for my children (going on the advice of my ped and my own instinct).

06-01-2009, 11:29 AM
My son was born 5 weeks early and we started him when he was 6 months old. With my DD we tried to start at 6 months, but she didn't eat any solids until 12 months. She just had no interest whatsoever. She was a nursing fiend. :)

06-01-2009, 12:12 PM
I actually started a bit elaier..for a couple reasons, one - i was way too excited...I have one DS and he is now 5 1/2 months and two, He was staring at our food since he was 3 months old. I started a bit after 4 mo., just 1 tbsp a day for a couple weeks and he took to it quick. now i feed him twice a day... Again - you are the best judge...do what you feel is best!

06-01-2009, 02:05 PM
We started on solids at 4 mos. at the suggestion of our pediatrician. We started out with rice cereal twice a week for the first two or three weeks and then once that was okay we started alternating rice cereal once a day, and a baby food like carrots or peas on the other day. We probably started daily solid food feedings at right around 5/1/2 or 6 mos. I don't remember. Good luck!

06-01-2009, 02:45 PM
I am surprised at how many pediatricians are still telling people to start solids at 4 months. That was old information even back when my last child was a baby and that was six years ago! I guess they are probably not up on the latest car seat recommendations either . . .

06-01-2009, 03:44 PM
I am surprised at how many pediatricians are still telling people to start solids at 4 months. That was old information even back when my last child was a baby and that was six years ago! I guess they are probably not up on the latest car seat recommendations either . . .

I don't think it is old advice.


06-01-2009, 08:36 PM
I agree...its not old advice...just depends on what you want. I asked if i could start and my ped said sure - per the APA, anywhere b/w 4-6 months is fine, but babies do not HAVE to have at 4 mo as what was the norm. My DS is doing everything early...so i decided to feed him...and he loves it.

06-01-2009, 08:38 PM
ITA, its not old advice to start between 4-6m. It depends on the child. It depends on their growth curve and their oral/motor skills (to swollow the solids, as opposed to just liquids).

06-01-2009, 08:50 PM
My ped told me that in 2005, the AAP modified it's official stance from "4-6 months" to saying "breastmilk optimal or formula for about the first 6 months", still leaving some wiggle room, but clearly trying to send a message that solids are not necessary in that time.

Here is the relevant passage from the position statement:

Exclusive breastfeeding is ideal nutrition and sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months after birth. Infants weaned before 12 months of age should not receive cow's milk feedings but should receive iron-fortified infant formula. Gradual introduction of iron-enriched solid foods in the second half of the first year should complement the breast milk diet.


I agree it is odd that they still have other stuff on their website that seems contradictory.

06-01-2009, 08:55 PM
Neither of my girls really received any nutritional benefit from solids in those first couple of months. They were just practicing eating, and trying different textures.

My dr told me to always BF first before a meal until 9m. Once the child hits 9m, then feed the solids first and BF to "top up". The idea is that the child still receives their main nutrition from BFg, but gets to practice eating solids.


06-01-2009, 08:57 PM
ITA, its not old advice to start between 4-6m. It depends on the child. It depends on their growth curve and their oral/motor skills (to swollow the solids, as opposed to just liquids). ITA. DS1 loved it when we finally fed him cereal at 4 months. He was totally ready. In contrast, we tried with DS2 this weekend at 4 months, 2 weeks. He isn't ready yet, so we will wait. Totally depends on the child. I don't think it is dangerous to try at 4 months though.

06-01-2009, 09:14 PM
There are several health reasons to delay solids.


06-01-2009, 09:36 PM
We waited to 6 months, and then were very careful on which foods for the next 6 months. Basically following Dr. Sears Baby Book food advice - and because we both have a number of food allergies ourselves.

Ped tried to push food on us at 4 months, and lots of different types of foods - but we delayed and went slow.

06-01-2009, 09:42 PM
... He took to eating with a gusto only exceeded by a starving person who has been entered in a pie eating contest.

:ROTFLMAO: We started DS at 5.5 months b/c he seemed to be nursing more freq, displayed interest, just seemed ready, and then we had pressure from the ped, which pushed me over the edge to start. DS took to it with gusto as well. I kept him to one meal for about a month and added subsequent meals slowly. Looking back at his growth chart, he followed a perfect 50% weight curve up until right before he started solids when he dipped a bit, so I really do think that was the right time for him, eventhough I had planned on waiting until 6 mo.

DD was born 4 weeks early and a happily EBF chubby baby. Given DS's allergies, I wanted to delay solids until at least 6 mo adjusted age, so we started at 7 months. It literally took 2 full months of offering 1x a day for her to take more than a few spoonfuls. I never forced it, but wanted her to get used to the texture. It would take 3 days for her to get through a 2.5 oz jar that we'd sometimes have to throw away unfinished. Now, at 10 months, she's just started really opening her mouth and showing that she is hungry for solids meals several times a day. I think prior to that, she just wasn't hungry/interested and getting enough from the BM. I wasn't going to be too worried about it, actually, unless she got to a year old and wasn't really eating solids. The ped was more concerned and mentioned sending her to a feeding clinic if she wasn't eating by the next appt! Whatever, she doesn't/didn't have a feeding issue. From this board and LLL, I've heard of many, many babies that really didn't get into solids until close to 10 months. Also, what's so great about eating solid food? It isn't more nutritious and it's a lot more work for mom. Anyway, if I did get comments this time around (I don't remember or didn't hear them), it didn't impact me at all b/c I'm a lot more confident about my parenting choices this time around.

ETA: Oh, I also wanted to add that when we started rice cereal for DD at 7 months, it really disrupted her sleep and she was up every hour at night, in great discomfort. That seemed to decrease after we switched to oatmeal, but I was worried about introducing gluten. Sometimes I think that when babies don't show interest it may be that their gastrointestinal tracts are not ready for solids.

06-01-2009, 09:59 PM
There are several health reasons to delay solids.

http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/solids/delay-solids.html Many moms do not BF. I think each parent has to just make the decision that is best for their DC.

06-01-2009, 10:57 PM
Many moms do not BF. I think each parent has to just make the decision that is best for their DC.

As someone who FF her first child, I realize that. :) However, FF or BF or combo, there are health reasons to delay solids, which is the comment I was responding to. That link has good info about those reasons which include obesity later in life, food allergies and links to diabetes. I apologize if you thought it offended moms who use formula. I don't personally find it offensive.

There is a LOT of societal pressure to feed kids solids early, whether because it's fun, your ILs are nagging you or your ped says it's OK. Many of these decisions are made in the absence of what is considered the most current info. And as Karen pointed out, unfortunately even advice given by many peds is not the most current info.

06-02-2009, 12:43 PM
I was not offended. :) I just thought the advice may not apply exactly the same if you FF your DC. Still, I cannot imagine how a difference of two months would have lifelong effects. To each their own I guess...

06-02-2009, 02:37 PM
a lot happens in a baby in two months. They are growing and changing rapidly in the first year.