View Full Version : How much water??

05-29-2009, 01:39 PM
I was just reading TraciG's thread about her DC drinking too much milk and I am sufficiently scared! DD probably drinks about 30oz of milk but also eats her regular meals and snacks. She normal height and weight.

She's just starting to use a straw for milk. We've tried water in a sippy, a bottle, and a straw for months and we cant get her to drink more than a few sips.

How much water (or juice) do your little ones drink? BTW, DD is about 14 months now.

05-29-2009, 03:46 PM
Maybe 16-24oz on a normal day, more on a hot day. Hard to say for sure because I just keep some sippies of water floating around for him to have access to whenever he would like.

Of course, my soon to be 18m old just stopped nursing and won't drink any kind of milk so water is his only beverage at the moment (I will not offer juice).
