View Full Version : Happybaby Puffs Addiction?

06-01-2009, 08:15 PM
We recently started feeding our 1 year old "puffs" from Happybaby about a week ago. Previously we had been letting her have plain brown rice puffs or freeze dried apples. She liked the rice or apples - but also liked other baby foods as well. She is also still nursing.

Since we started feeding her these new happybaby puffs - she only wants them - or to breastfeed. She is showing very reduced desire for other normal baby foods she used to eat. Is there some sort of baby crack in these puffs or what? Is this normal? She chows all day on these things.


06-01-2009, 09:51 PM
We give DD the gerber baby puffs and I do think there's baby crack in them. Every kid I know loves them and even the kids who are beyond the baby stage, like from age 2-4.

And seriously, DH and I eat them too. We give some to DD and then eat some ourselves.

06-01-2009, 10:00 PM
hahaha. We started with the brown puffed rice as a finger food as well. It worked very well with DS and he was just happy to have a finger food. I was glad there was no sugar or gluten. Well, we did the same for DD and then intro happy baby puffs (as well as Gerber). She loooves them and will barely look at the rice puffs anymore. I think it's the sugar in them that makes them so attractive. At least the happy baby ones have less sugar. Oh, and DS gobbles them off of DD's tray as well!

06-01-2009, 10:58 PM
Jack is LOVING his puffs as is Nathan ( 5) and our dog LOL. I like the fact they are organic and have 1/2 the sugar that gerber does.

06-02-2009, 08:06 AM
I don't know - mine is less interested in them than she used to be - the big girl, however, would eat an entire container if allowed! DD2 prefers to eat the "real" food we're eating. Because, you know, at the ripe "old" age of nearly 11 months she's not a baby anymore! ;)

I think *I* like them better than DD2 does. Especially the greens flavor!

Sarah :)

06-03-2009, 05:22 PM
Haha! I have to laugh at this thread because I was saying just last night to my DH that I thought there was some sort of baby crack included in these, my DD loves them so much. She is on a food solid strike right now, except for these.

06-03-2009, 10:38 PM
YES! DS2 has been eating these like crazy. It surprised me because he isn't so into Cheerios or Gerber puffs. I like that they have less sugar and he apparently prefers their flavor. I never bought puffs with DS1 but he loves them now at 3.5.

06-05-2009, 02:58 PM
One of my twins would scream and cry for the Gerber puffs. It got bad enough that I put them away for good. No more crack puffs, especially since she refused her healthier food for the puffs. I bought puffed Kamut from the health food store and they're also nice for practicing self-feeding, and they are totally healthy. My girls seem to like them (though not in the same sort of drug-induced euphoric way) but I hope they forget about the crack puffs soon.

06-05-2009, 04:06 PM
They're our standard "appetizer" for the girls. Have you ever tasted them? Blech. I can't tell one flavor from the next, they're all pretty tasteless. The babies do love them...almost as much as our dogs do!