View Full Version : Decided To Try Motivated Moms Cleaning Schedule, But...

06-08-2009, 02:53 PM
...there is one huge flaw that I have noticed so far. There is no day designated to sweep/mop the bathroom floors. I've already assumed that "vacuum main/public rooms" would translate to sweep/vacuum/mop for those of us that have hard floors. However, I also have tile in the bathrooms, hallway and laundry room. I guess I will have to add that to my weekend/Monday list. This system is obviously designed for SAHMs to allow them free time with family on the weekend. I plan to use it as a guide and move a lot of the bigger tasks to the weekend since I work 3-4 days/week. I was looking through the tasks to decide how to do this when I noticed that my bathroom floors will be disgusting forever!

Anyone else using this system notice anything else major that is missing? I'm trying to get a schedule/system worked out for DH to help more and to give regular chores to my stepdaughter when she moves in with us in August. Please let me know if you've noticed anything else!

06-08-2009, 02:55 PM
I haven't noticed anything else. I use it as a guide. I do some of the list and I add in other things that I have to do. For me, I have to vacuum more often because of the dog - doesn't mean I always do this, but I like to if I can. So I add an extra vacuum chore I also don't change out the hand towels as often as they suggest...

06-08-2009, 03:20 PM
Hmm. I know I have seen that task in there.

06-08-2009, 04:13 PM
Hmm. I know I have seen that task in there.

Yeah I found it...once in June, then couldn't find it again when I went back to look, but I know it's there. Didn't see it in July anywhere!