View Full Version : Consulted my ped and two different LCs about green poo

06-26-2009, 01:59 AM
And they all (independently) mentioned that this can start happening when the baby is getting drooly and teething age and thus start swallowing a fair bit of saliva. Based on online threads, I was worried when F developed a pattern of about 1/2 of his bowel movements being green and mucous-y and that meant a food concern or a foremilk/hindmilk issue or an illness. I did everything suggested to make sure he was getting enough hindmilk and it kept up and he was/is healthy/happy/content/mellow. So I sought advice IRL and was told not to worry. I had never heard about swallowing drool/saliva causing green poo so thought I would mention it here for anyone else searching 6 month old green poo, LOL. It would seem that in F's case at least it is the drool thing, I think 1/3 of him is drool at anytime and he is starting to teeth.