View Full Version : It's an old b!tch

07-11-2009, 05:17 PM
Why are men so disgusting? They're just dirty in ways women aren't and then they are messy on top of it. I mean, I understand they cannot control some elements of their grossness: it's just hormones. But that they don't pick up after themselves, leave their hair in the sink, leave food out, knives on the counter, clothes on the bathroom floor, and are just generally inconsiderate of the other people who must share their kitchen and bathing facilities, never mind the person (aka wife, maid, NAG) who must clean up after them PISSES ME OFF!!! Seriously, when I have to do any kind of major cleaning by the end of it that I just want to take DD and move out! Not get divorced, but just to have a separate kitchen and bath. Let him live in his own filth!:31::irked::hopmad::13::6:

07-11-2009, 05:29 PM
Sadly, I think my dh is neater than I am. of course, he only seems to take care of cleaning up after himself, which is far less work than I have with cleaning up after me and the boys.


07-11-2009, 05:35 PM
I hear ya...I gotta say, it's one of the good parts of getting divorced...no more yucky boys to mess up my stuff! :p Well, except for DS, and he seems to have inherited at least some of my OCD when it comes to mess...

I used to get so disgusted by XH leaving his shaving stubblies all over the sink. Yuck. It was so nice when we moved into our condo and each had our own, so I could let his get all disgusting and not have to use it myself. The dual sink/vanity is the BEST INVENTION EVER!

07-11-2009, 05:54 PM
Gaye, Don't tempt me! I know your situation is beyond hard, but today after I got done cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom, I felt pretty envious of anyone who got to live without a grody man-mess! :32:

07-11-2009, 06:04 PM
I understand and I blame his mother for not making him clean bathrooms when he was a child. She never told him how disgusting the mess was that he was making so it doesn't register now.

If we don't want to have our DIL's cursing us out in 25 years or so, we need to stop the cycle starting with our grody DH's. Retraining is possible, we just have to be consistent and vocal.

07-11-2009, 06:15 PM
Retraining is possible, we just have to be consistent and vocal.

Mine get all hurt and pouts when I tell him he lives like a slob. Even if I try to put it nicely, he gets all offended. Just own your nastiness and clean up after yourself. I wash your nasty smelly workout clothes. The least you can do is leave the potty clean for the rest of us who don't MISS!

07-11-2009, 06:26 PM
i sympathize with you. my dh is the same way. it drives me crazy. it is one of the biggest problems in our marriage (we fight over it).
a friend of mine is fortunate enough to live in a large house (and has a housekeeper) so she and her dh have separate bathrooms. she use the master bath and her uses the upstairs hall bath. nice system! now all she needs is another kitchen (although her dh keeps a cleaner kitchen than she does).

07-11-2009, 06:44 PM
I'll just add this to my mental list of "Reasons Why I'm a Lesbian". . . . .:ROTFLMAO::jammin:

07-11-2009, 07:30 PM
I'll just add this to my mental list of "Reasons Why I'm a Lesbian". . . . .:ROTFLMAO::jammin:

07-11-2009, 11:35 PM
My DH isn't terribly messy, but what irks me is how he complains about me and the kids being messy, but of course he NEVER leaves things out or makes messes. I have been tempted to take his magazines, crumbs, jelly, milk splatter, etc. and relocate them to his dresser! :icon_twisted:

07-12-2009, 12:06 AM
I could enumerate all of DH's messiness, but then I would need another beer ;) Let's just say I'm not too pleased he's well on his way to trashing our year-old car, and I am sick and tired of socks socks everywhere. In the kitchen, on my lotion basket in the bathroom, on most chairs, and sometimes in the bed! I do not understand why it is so hard for DH to put his dirty socks in the laundry. He's just making more work for himself to go around and pick them up, as he's the one that does the laundry around here!

I agree with Erica, let's do better with our sons :)

07-12-2009, 12:28 AM
I'll just add this to my mental list of "Reasons Why I'm a Lesbian". . . . .:ROTFLMAO::jammin:

Hang around here for a while and your list will become a novel. ;) :ROTFLMAO:

07-12-2009, 11:37 AM
My DH is gone for the weekend (that should be its own bitch) and I'm alone with the three kids. Two are recovering from coxsackie, and one of these two also has an ear infection. The oldest split his head open a few days ago and has 18 fresh stitches. So, I'm dealing with three cranky boys with too much energy, administering several different meds, and trying to keep the younger two from whacking their older brother on the head so I don't have to go back to the ER.

Needless to say, my house is CLEANER than it is when DH is around.

07-12-2009, 02:11 PM
UPDATE: Part of the reason I was so hopping mad yesterday was that we had a guest coming to stay and she would be here for 3 days. We only have one bathroom, so I was going to be pissed if I had to clean up after DH every time he used the bathroom to make it usable for our guest.

So this morning, I made him get in and take his shower first and you know what? He left the bathroom IMMACULATE! I would never have known he was there. So this is PROOF that he is capable of doing it! So why can't he live like this all the time? Maybe I should have company more often! Or maybe I will just threaten company!

07-12-2009, 02:26 PM
I used to threaten that his mother/friend/family was coming and the underwear on the bathroom floor would be staying there if thats where he wanted it. Sadly it never worked.