View Full Version : DD's Sleep has totally changed. Need advice...

07-12-2009, 10:10 PM
I know I jinxed myself. I said on here how good a sleeper DD was. She would go to bed at 7:30 (as in we just put her down and turned on her music and she rolled over and went to sleep) and she would sleep straight through until between 5 and 6. This is how it has been for over a year (DD is 2). Suddenly, 2 weeks ago this stopped. DD can no longer put herself down. She needs us to rub her back until she falls asleep (still use the music as well). Plus, she now wakes up between 1 and 2 and asks for a glass of milk. At first she would go right back to bed. Now she doesn't. She yells at the top of her lungs that she wants to sleep on the futon in the spare bedroom. We have tried rubbing her back again and she just won't settle. So, for the last week and a half so far she has been sleeping with me on the futon. Any ideas of why the sudden change and how I can get DD to at the very least go back to bed in her crib in her room? Part of me feels like this is a phase (please I hope it doesn't last long), and part of me feels like she is getting ready to be out of her crib or she is having nightmares and can't/won't go back to sleep. Anyone BTDT? Suggestions on how to handle this?
