View Full Version : Toy organization - is it possible?

07-16-2009, 05:48 PM
We currently have DCs toys in several toy boxes in two different rooms. But, it's driving me crazy because the toys are just thrown in there and the toys get all jumbled up - i.e. the Little People are scattered away from all their equipment.

I so want for them to learn how to organize their toys better and give me a little sanity. How do you keep toys orderly? I need some serious help. Let me preface it to say that DCs room does not have a closet, so I am not able to put them up away from them at this time.

07-16-2009, 06:10 PM
We have the Ikea Expedit in our play "area" across from the kitchen and we have baskets in the bottom that contain blocks, trains, puzzles, etc in each basket. Then the shelves have wooden toys, music, other randoms, and books. Here's a picture so you can see. We also don't have that many toys...

07-16-2009, 06:29 PM
We have this shelf in our hallway (by DS bedroom door) from Target:


Only ours is 3x3. We have 4 canvas boxes and a Cars bucket in the center (plastic Halloween trick or treat container also from Target) filled w/ all of his hot wheels. One of the canvas boxes has all of his Thomas wooden trains as well as his Lego Thomas trains w/ tracks. Another box has his oversized cars in it (too big for the bucket), the 3rd container has all of his music toys in it and the 4th is a miscellaneous bucket filled w/ Mr. Potatohead & pieces, GI Joe doll, Parachute man, etc. I just make sure to put everything in the buckets the same way each time and he has gotten the hang of it. He even tells DH when he has put something in a wrong box. We also keep his Lego buckets for all the small pieces in the floor of his room against the wall. There is another canvas box next to his toy kitchen w/ all his kitchen supplies and food. Ive used the thinner (for under the bed) tupperware boxes for his wooden tracks,etc. And Ive even saved the plastic bags from when you buy a comforter/ sheet set (the ones w/ a zipper) for more wooden toys and ABC blocks.


07-16-2009, 06:33 PM
Run to Ikea and pick up this Trofast Storage System, it's great. You can buy all different sized bins too, not just the ones showed on the web page.

07-16-2009, 06:34 PM
I bought an ITSO system from Target for the TV room. We have one tall cabinet, one long 2 shelf unit, one cube, and one divided cube that we bought fabric bins for. It has been working out great! Check it out because you can configure it for your space and storage needs.

Toy boxes suck, imo, b/c things go to the bottom and get forgotten about. The shallower the bin, the better, ime.


07-16-2009, 08:11 PM
We also have the Ikea Expedit, recently purchased and we absolutely LOVE it. The Ikea baskets are awesome to store smaller toys like legos, small cars, play food, puzzles, blocks, etc. BTW, we have the 5 x 5 cube one. I highly recommend it and I thought the price was pretty reasonable compared to some of the stuff at Target.

07-16-2009, 08:25 PM
I wish we had an Ikea anywhere near us, but we don't. I think the closest one to me is at least 8 hours away.

Do they ever have free shipping codes?

I also agree that I don't like toy boxes. I think the kids definitely forget what is at the bottom, so I'm hoping to do away with that some, as well as trying to put some of their toys away and swap out so they don't get so bored with them. We're just so space limited, it's hard to figure out how to accomplish everything.

07-16-2009, 08:34 PM
We're limited on space too (quite limited, actually), so I've tried to look for toy storage space out of the way. My favorites:

That colorful 12 bin rack from Target is inside a coat closet with a small door. They get a bin out, play and put it back. Well, it happened ONCE that way, but the idea is there.

Under the futon in our laundry room, there are 4 black dishpans/tubs from Walmart. Magnatiles, 2 for foam blocks and puzzles go in there.

Doll clothes are hanging from the wall in one of these: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60107828

Toy rotation (put stuff in attic for a month) works well IMO. Also, the toys we have in the bedrooms are largely in bins on the bookshelves and in the nightstand.

Even with this, it still looks like we live in a daycare.