View Full Version : Does anyone remember Tootle the train?

08-11-2009, 11:26 AM
DS dug MY old Tootle the train book out of the bookcase yesterday. Tootle is so much like Thomas - - in fact, I think Tootle may have a suit for copyright infringement!! Does anyone remember tootle? Is it perhaps the same author as Tootle?

Anyway, DS is obsessed with the Tootle book and is insisting on reading it at least a half dozen times per day . . . It is a very sweet book for any of you that collect vintage kids books.

08-11-2009, 11:29 AM
We have the tootle book and DS loves it. He has an entire collection of my old little golden books. Right now he is into bugs bunny and the carrot machine.

08-11-2009, 01:48 PM
DS used to love that book in his train phase. I love Little Golden Books. :)

08-12-2009, 12:30 PM
This thread made me smile. My brothers and I all received a copy of Tootle for Christmas from my mother a couple of years ago. Now that we all have kids she wanted to make sure our kids tortured us with the book just like we did her. Apparently we all loved the book and she absolutely HATED it. To this day, she can still recite the whole story. Personally, I don't have a problem with the story, but I guess I might change my mind if I had to read it everyday for about 6 years (we're all two years apart so as one kid was out growing it the next was just getting into it)