View Full Version : rolling to belly in sleep... swaddled!

08-24-2009, 03:42 PM
A twist on the recent thread... DD just woke up from her nap. I heard this little whiny fuss over the monitor instead of her usual happy cooing so I walked to her room a little faster than usual, to find that she had rolled onto her belly... Tightly swaddled in her SwaddleMe with her arms pinned underneath her! She was gamely lifting up her head, craning her neck to look around. She looked for all the world like an adorable little green caterpillar with a baby's head, like something from Alice in Wonderland but cuter. I have no idea how she did it without the normal use of her arms or legs. So do I stop swaddling her? Not worry about it? Check on her?

08-24-2009, 04:08 PM
Sounds very cute! I would stop swaddling if it was my little one. Or if the no swaddle throws all the sleeping off, then try swaddling with her arms out.
I don't know the official stance on this but it freaks me out thinking of a baby on their tummy with their arms all pinned down.

08-24-2009, 04:12 PM
I remember Dora did this. I was amazed that she managed to roll over with no hands! I think what I did was either stop swaddling, or I just swaddled her body, and left her arms out. But we did stop swaddling her soon after because she was getting too long for her miracle blanket.

08-24-2009, 04:32 PM
I posted a very similar question a few months ago. Here is the link:


We had the same issue with DS being swaddled and rolling onto his tummy in his sleep and unable to roll back onto his back. Unfortunately not swaddling didnt work for us since DS was always a lousy sleeper and it got worse without the swaddle. We just had to live with it for a couple of months at which point he started being able to roll back onto his back even without his arms free. The other thing I did was I moved him into a sleepsack and then sewed the arm openings close so that he didn't have his arms free but he was not as constricted as in a swaddle (believe me we tried everything else but nothing worked for us).

08-24-2009, 04:40 PM
DD is 8 1/2 months old and still sleeps swaddled. She rolls all over the place even with her arms tucked in- she seems to use her feet to propel her body. Honestly, I don't worry about it at all because she has NO problem rolling in both directions. She rolls pretty much as easily when she's swaddled as when she's unswaddled. If she had difficulty rolling from her stomach onto her back, I would definitely stop swaddling her of course.

08-24-2009, 09:14 PM
DS used to do this all the time starting at 5 months. He used his body to get some momentum and then would flip over even when tightly swaddled. It used to freak me out so we took away the swaddle....took him one night to get used to sleeping without swaddle. Since then he's been sleeping on his tummy and that was exactly the time he started sleeping 11-12 hrs/night. We think there's a correlation there.