View Full Version : Level II ultrasound

09-02-2009, 07:42 PM
Do most people get one? Our doctor will schedule one for me, and I am very nervous. They saw one "bubble" in the heart during routine ultrasound, and even though the doc. says it could mean nothing, she was quick to point out that it could be Down's syndrome (if there were more clusters which they didn't find in the regular US).
Any advice? Does this usually mean that our world is about to change?

09-02-2009, 08:10 PM
Haven't BTDT - but - I'm 25 weeks and belong to another board (www.thebump.com) and I constantly see threads about this.

With some it is 'shadows' or cysts or one of a hundred other small details that the techs want to double check. Another thing I have read over and over is 'soft marker for downs' in place of 'hard marker for downs'. In addition, from your post it sounds like the spot on baby's heart is the only place of concern. I would be worried as you are ('cause that is just my nature :) but - I would take comfort in the fact that it was one small thing they want to double check versus a list of things that trouble them. And, during my U/S the tech told us that if she saw anything really troubling she would have the radiologists come in and evaluate then, rather than re-scanning.

Try lurking on the bump and search for those keywords and you will find tons of posts just like this with happy endings. I can't imagine how stressed you must be, but try to relax. P and PT, and I'm sure it's just a false alarm.

09-02-2009, 08:20 PM
:hug: We had the same concern arise with DS. Since we had opted not to have an amnio, I was near tears when they told us. Our doctor referred us to a cardiac specialist for further analysis. I cried when the specialist showed us everything looked normal. DS was born w/out any concerns. Hope your follow ups show everything is normal. :hug:

09-02-2009, 08:27 PM
My practice does them standard for the 22 wk u/s. They are just clearer and can get a better look at the baby.

DS1 had an EIF (IIRC, Echogenic Intracardiac Focus) which is a soft marker for Downs. It is basically a calcium deposit on his heart that appears to be a white spot. I am guessing this is what they saw. I over researched and was concerned the entire pregnancy but DS1 was born perfectly healthy. My Dr thinks that some of these things, particularly this one, is a very minimal marker alone and that as u/s technology gets more advanced, we can see more that is part of the normal development that we just never saw before. I don't know if that is true, but it made me feel better and hopefully does for you.

Advice? Don't google, try not to worry until you know you need to if at all, and look forward to another look at the baby.

Your world is definitely about to change, but ideally for the better when you welcome your baby. :-) Good luck. P & PT are on the way.

09-02-2009, 09:23 PM
Hugs! Sorry you're having to worry about this.

We had an amnio then a complete fetal cardio workup, including an ultrasound with a specialist. Nothing the matter at all. But, boy, did it make me nervous....

Don't worry too much, honestly. Level IIs are pretty standard. ITA with Jen; u/s technology is getting so good that more markers are spotted now.


09-02-2009, 09:37 PM
Thank you all! It makes me feel so much better.

09-02-2009, 09:56 PM
I had at least 6 level 2 ultrasounds during my pregnancy and DD came out perfectly fine.

Try not to worry too much and congratulations on your pregnancy!!!

09-02-2009, 10:11 PM
I had one. DD had a space between the walls of her heart. I was told it could be a soft marker for downs. I was so nervous. I had 3 ultrasounds after 28 weeks to look at this. The ultrasound techs told me that the imaging equipment they now use is so sensitive that it picks up the smallest of things now. She said what they saw with DD was seen in a lot of children and it was most likely nothing, but they err on the side of caution anyway. When DD was 6 days old we were at a pediatric cardiologist. There was nothing wrong with DD's heart and we already knew she didn't have downs.

09-02-2009, 10:12 PM
I am so sorry you got such stressful news.

I have a friend with identical twin girls and an u/s picked up white spots on both hearts. The girls were born at 36 weeks perfectly fine.

I had a level 2 at 18 weeks. A few weeks before during a routine u/s (I was high risk so had u/s every week) my Dr. found a "soft marker" of the absence of a nasal bone. They didn't find any other markers and my bloodwork came back with a low risk of Downs. DD is perfectly healthy.... and her nose is perfect too.

I will be thinking positively for you and hoping that it is a false alarm.

09-02-2009, 10:21 PM
I had two Level II ultrasounds with DS because our first trimester ultrasound (for size and dating) revealed a cystic hygroma. My Level IIs were at 12 and 20 weeks. Both went well and by the 20 week u/s the condition had resolved.

My Level IIs were done at the local hospital, which is a teaching hospital. So there were several med students and med tech students present and each one wanted to take a turn running the wand over my belly and finding body parts. (My 12 week u/s included trans-vaginal shots and I did NOT allow the students to participate in that part, although they were in the room.)

I'm sorry you are having such a stressful time and I hope all goes well for you!