View Full Version : 3 month rolling over and moving in crib concerns

09-18-2009, 09:30 AM
My 3 month old has recently learned how to roll over from his back to his stomach, but not yet from stomach to back. This morning I found him on his stomach, with his two legs through the slats in his crib!

I have two concerns here - 1. SIDS risk associated with being on his stomach and not knowing how to turn back over to his back, and 2. how to prevent his legs from going through the slats in the future.

We had bumpers in the crib when it was first set up, but we have since removed them because he wriggled all over the crib in his sleep and I was concerned about his face being against the bumpers at some point in the middle of the night. But now I'm wondering if we should put the bumpers back up to prevent the legs from going through the slats?

Any others BTDT? TIA!

09-18-2009, 12:13 PM
My ds1 was like that. I never worried about the tummy part b/c I figured if he was strong enough to be in that position he was strong enough to tilt his head to the side and be safe. With ds2 I just let him sleep on his tummy from the start so I guess I became even more comfortable with it. (I figured I did everything else to help prevent SIDS- no smoking, prenatal care, he was full term, no positioners or soft things in his crib...)

For ds1 he got himself stuck just a handful of times in the crib slats. He'd cry, We'd unstick him. No harm done.

For ds2 I borrowed some of the Breathable Bumpers from a friend. Love them! I recommend them b/c baby can't get stuck in the slats but the bumpers are mesh so even if baby's face is smooshed up against it (like my boys liked to do) they can still get fresh air. BRU sells them for about $25.


09-18-2009, 12:22 PM
Totally second the Breathable Bumpers. I always find DS smooshed up against the side and I never have to worry about him being able to breathe or getting something stuck. Kinda funny though, he'll always have a mesh print on him from laying against it.