View Full Version : Hanukkah moms...

09-28-2009, 02:06 AM
How do you "do" Hanukkah? Do you do a present each night? Do you have all the presents out and the kids get to pick the one they want to open?

09-28-2009, 07:14 AM
We do a present for each night. I pick. My mom gets the boys 8 gifts (usually 1 "big" thing and 7 small gifts, and then whatever we get them I give on the weekend.

09-28-2009, 08:08 AM
We do a present each night. Sometimes it is a shared one. I pick.

When I was younger, my parents gave them all at once. But since I am now part of an interfaith family and we celebrate both jewish and catholic holidays, I felt that the "present a day" approach is another way to make it special and apart from Christmas.

09-28-2009, 09:02 AM
we do on present a night - I usually let them pick which one to open - on the first few nights I'll pick the big present for them.

The smaller gifts are coloring books, reading books, a piece of clothing (from grandma)

09-28-2009, 10:41 AM
I also do a present each night and I pick which one to give her. I generally have one "big" present that is last, but honestly, I sometimes have other big presents if I think they are things that she can really use (I tend not to buy a lot of things during the year and her birthday is in Feb, so lots of times when Chanukah gets here, I realize dd has moved to a different developmental levelt, etc). I know it can be really fun for kids to pick their present and if dd requested this, I would do it; probably keeping a present of my choice for the last one. Right now I like being able to pick what she gets when( also if Chanukah falls during a school week when they are not on vacation, I like being able to determine which gifts she gets on the weekends...the ones I know she will want to play with/do something with right away that take a signifcant amount of time.

09-28-2009, 11:29 AM
Depends. This year we are going to WDW. That is the only present. Last year it was a present for each night (one night was grandparents, one aunt and uncles, one parents, one cousins exchange, one sibling exchange etc...).

09-28-2009, 12:23 PM
We do a gift each night that I select. Some of nights are really small, like hair clips. Last year, I tried to coordinate gifts so both girls got similiar things... pjs, books, etc... As the kids get older, I'm going to make one night "charity donation night", so they will only give, not get.

We also hide the gifts each night. That adds a lot of excitement!

09-28-2009, 12:45 PM
We do nothing, because I don't want to support the idea that Hannukah is the Jewish Christmas. Their grandparents give them one big gift, and my mother usually buys them clothes as well.

We light candles, have a latke open house on Sunday, and there's a Hannukah shpiel at school.

09-29-2009, 07:00 PM
we do one a night, but I can honestly say by the end we don't even get to them all;)
we'll see if it still works out this way w/ ds1 being six this year...
anyway, one night is pajamas, some nights are small things like crayola color explosions, etc...I don't even necessarily 'do' a 'big' gift...
I pick the presents.

09-29-2009, 07:06 PM
We did 1 per night before and this year I'm thinking that 7 out of the 8 nights are going to be something super simple like an art something or a book. Then 1 night they'll get 1 big gift.

DS2's b-day is in December and we like to keep these events separate, so he gets gifts that night whether it Hanukkah or not that are b-day presents.

09-29-2009, 07:20 PM
At least one big gift. A remnant from my childhood is having sock night, book night, pajama night, art supply night, etc.

I have an Aunt who does "Morning Gifts" too. Those are little things like candy or a hair bow over breakfast. I admit it's tempting!