View Full Version : HELP!! Will NOT nap at daycare

10-07-2009, 06:28 PM
DD started a new daycare about a month ago. She absolutely refuses to nap there. She's 18 months old & goes there 3 days a week. When the other kids nap (3 other toddlers) she sits quietly in her crib.

For the first two weeks we thought - ok, she's adjusting, give it time. She's always been a bad napper. She won't go down without a LOT of work on the caregivers part. But we thought kids self-regulate and we KNOW we she's tired so it'll work itself out.

But it hasn't. And now she's starting to resist naps (even more than she used to) on the 4 days a week she's home in the afternoon.

We do wake her at the same time every day. What else can we do? She seems to love the new day care, that's not the issue. But she's a cranky mess by dinnertime. She needs that nap!

10-07-2009, 06:33 PM
No help, just hugs. DS is 15 months old and has been in daycare since he was 6 months old. Right around 12 months he stopped napping at daycare all together. He still takes 1-2 naps everyday at home (he's only at daycare 3 days/week), so he obviously isn't ready to give them up. And it's a small in-home daycare with, at most, 2 other kids--so the environment (in terms of noise, light, etc.) isn't that different from home. We have yet to figure out a solution, but we (the daycare provider and me) have been trying everything! He too is a cranky little camper by the time dinner rolls around!

10-07-2009, 06:46 PM
No help either but we have a somewhat similar situation. DS was 11months old when he started daycare and was doing 2 naps until then. Once he started daycare he stopped doing the morning nap and will only nap for an hour at noon when all the other kids sleep for 2-3hrs. He actually takes 2 naps at home and each nap lasts for 1hr or so. He just can't nap for longer than that at a time. But he will not do 2 naps at daycare and so ends up only having a 1hr nap everyday except on weekends. He is also crazy tired by dinnertime.

10-07-2009, 08:15 PM
Yikes -- thanks for the replies, glad to see I'm not alone! But still, yikes. Anyone have any advice for those of us with this problem?