View Full Version : H1N1 at DD's Pre-K and Some Questions

10-12-2009, 02:58 PM
So I took Dd#1 (just turned 5) to her Pre-K and the director is standing at the door. She hands me a little slip of paper. Apparently there is at least one case of influenza A confirmed. Several children in that class were out today.

Around here, there has been an outbreak of the H1N1 strain where an 11 year old in the same school district as DD and now a 23 year old pregnant woman have died very fast...like in 2-3 days of having symptoms. The pregnant woman did have pre-existing conditions apparently, but the 11 year old did not appear to.

DD#1 has a cough, but no other symptoms (I think it's just still lingering from a virus she had a couple weeks ago. I know she was exposed last week, so if she's going to get the flu, she'll get it...there's nothing we can do about it now. Apparently the other child's symptoms began on Oct. 8th., so we're half-way through the incubation period.

Here are my questions and maybe someone can help answer them.

DD, DH and I have all had the seasonal flu shot already (well, Dh will get it on Wed.). Ds #2 is only 12 weeks old, so he can't get anything. If we decide to go ahead and get the H1N1 shot, can we still get H1N1 at all? Are we completely protected or is it more like if we do contract it, it will just be a much milder case? I'm assuming not at all, but I'm not sure.

Also, if it takes around 3 weeks to get full immunity from the vaccine, what happens if you contract H1N1 somewhere in that 3 week period? Are there any additional risks with having the actual virus and the vaccine in your body? Does that even make sense?

And if I get the vaccine, will any of it pass on to Ds#2 through my breastmilk? Will it help sheild him in any way, other than us just not bringing it home?

I am so completely torn on what to do. Obviously, DD has already been exposed (as have probably Ds and I) and the H1N1 vaccine isn't even available here yet (I don't think). Add to that 3 weeks or more for it to take effect....It feels a little hopeless. If we somehow don't get this naturally, I am still a little torn on the vaccine. On the other hand, if Dd is destined to get this from her exposure, then should we still get the vaccine?

I just don't know what to do? It seems like either choice I make could very well be harmful and I just don't know.
