View Full Version : Sandifier Syndrome

10-15-2009, 02:47 PM
My daughter was 10 days old when her first attack happened. My mom had left for the first time since she was born (she helped me after ). I fed the baby, held her up for 30 mins, then put her on her boppy to go to the bathroom. She is the kind of baby that NEVER cried, only when she was hungry. Well when I went to the bathroom, she started crying/screaming. I just blew it off b/c well... I couldnt get up at the moment. haha! But since it was unusual that she was crying, i hurried up. When I checked on her, she was almost off the sofa, completely off her boppy. She was screaming. I picked her up and just talked to her at first. That didnt help. She arched her back back and stiff. She put her arms out and was red/blue in the face. She was screaming and then some times she couldnt scream with the lack of air. She had tears rolling down the sides of her eyes. I called my mom to come back and she tried sucking out her throat but it didnt help so we were on the way to the hospital. Thats about a 30 min drive but we were about to pass her pediatricians office. So we went there first. The pediatrician gave her some oxygen and called an ambulance. We got to the hospital and they put her on a sleep apnea machine...She was fine with that. We went to a gastrologist after and she said she has Sandifier Syndrome. Alot like reflux, just more severe. Her acid comes up from her stomach, and gets stuck in her throat. She was on reglan and nexium for a while until we learned that reglan had severe side affects. So now shes 4 months (almost) and is doing a lot better. Its been a month since her last attack. When she does have an attack, we start beating her back and suck out her mouth and nose. We also put her on the tucker sling and that seems to help a lot too. That was the worst day of my life and I hope it doesnt happen to anyone else. Good Luck:heartbeat:

10-15-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm sorry, that sounds horrible. Good for you for listening to your instincts and bringing her in. Is it something she can grow out of?