View Full Version : S/O: Funny things you did as a kid, that you remember...

10-19-2009, 02:25 PM
I see alot of 'funny things you kids have done lately' and they are hilarious and adorable, but I wonder if any of you Mamas or Dads remember any funny/silly things you did when you were younger?

My mom loved taking me to the grocery store, etc with her, I was the youngest and last one that loved to still go ;). I got easily distracted looking at stuff so there was a strict rule I couldn't be more than one aisle over (remember the good ol days!). We were in a (now) CVS pharmacy and I had gotten distracted looking at the little toy section. I realized some time had passed, and my mama wasn't on either side of me. Oh no, I was in trouble. It was a small store, so I ran thru the 2 middle sections scanning each aisle looking for her (thinking I'd be ok before she realized I wasn't close). Then I spotted her at the front check-out, finishing up and heading out the door. I was a bit hurt/peeved that she was going to leave me there for not staying close like I was told, but I fell in line right behind her as she went out the door, SAFE! (but a little mad and ashamed). I didn't say a word and followed a slight distance behind her. When I noticed she was heading in the wrong direction from where our car was parked, I corrected her is a slight loud sarcastic tone 'MAMA! OUR CAR IS NOT PARKED OVER HERE! ITS OVER THERE!' She turned around and OPPS!! This lady wasn't my mother. In a dumbfounded (being around 7 and still hurt & mad my mother was leaving me at the store for not staying close) and still mad tone I told this lady 'Hey!! Your not my MAMA!!' and stormed back in the store. I was almost in tears by them, thinking 'where was my mama????', but I did find her, still in the store, slipped next to her and held onto her until we got to the car. She never said anything to me about straying away from her, but I secretly wonder if she saw what happened outside. :hysterical:

I also wonder how many times this other lady has told this story, LOL!!

Another thing I remember that made my mother and her friends ROFL was when I told her she had pieces of white thread in her hair. She sewed alot and I was so confused how little pieces of white thread got in her hair. Thank goodness for great haircoloring in todays world :D.


10-19-2009, 02:32 PM
According to my dad I went through a phase when I was 3 when I addressed him as 'Sir'... all the time!

And then shortly after my sister arrived and was big enough to do things I found the phrase 'I gots a good idea' usually started out fine but ended up getting me into trouble!

I can't wait to see what DD will have in store for me and DH! :wink2:

10-19-2009, 02:42 PM
I loved "helping" in the kitchen. My favorite thing in the world was to peel the labels off the canned goods after my parents were done using them. I apparently didn't want to wait for cooking time so I got into the pantry and peeled every single label off all the cans stored there. We had a few weeks of not knowing whether we were going to have green beans, soup, fruit cocktail, etc. with dinner.

10-19-2009, 02:53 PM
I stole my sister's bottle. My younger sister is 11 months younger than me (Yes, my parents were crazy), and my mother weaned me from the bottle when I was about 2. For several nights, my sister would wake up crying and hungry and would gulp down a 2nd bottle. One night, my mother found me asleep in the crib with my sister. Apparently I would climb into the crib, drink my sister's bottle and then go back to my own bed. After that, she gave me back the bottle and several months later, weaned us at the same time. My sister likes to bring up this story ALL the time to my friends. Sigh. I was 2.