View Full Version : Can I have a clogged duct but not be able to feel where it is?

12-20-2009, 08:20 PM
My left breast is hurting - a dull, throbbing pain on the under side of the boob. I *think* it's a clogged duct, but when I feel around for a lump, I don't feel anything. Would I definitely be able to locate it? If I might not, how do you determine where it is to try and unclog it?

Any other suggestions? I got this one other time, but it was with DD when she was a year so I just weaned. DS is only 4 months and way too early for that. I think it's in the same spot.

12-20-2009, 08:30 PM
You can have a clogged duct that you cannot feel if it is one of the deeper areas of the breast. I would do the things you normally do for clogged ducts - massage, heat, increased frequency and see if you can relieve it. I often had to pump when I got clogged ducts to get them to clear. Good luck! Hope you are feeling better. 2 years ago I came down with mastitis on Christmas day while entertaining the extended family at my house and ended up in bed with a 102 fever. No fun at all!