View Full Version : New Year's Resolutions?

12-28-2009, 05:47 AM
Anyone been thinking about what they'd like to do different in the new year? Now, I'm not a believer that you can make a lasting effect pn your behavior by just making a big, abrupt change overnight. But there have been some things I've really been wanting and needing to do and I figure announcing it as a New Year's Resolution to the world might give me that extra push to get started. Here are mine:

1) I will NOT stay up all hours of the night for any reason. Sleep deprivation is making me batty.

2) I will devote a MINIMUM of 20 minutes every Monday morning to filing. I won't let it pile up to a dangerous height like I have been doing for the past year.

3) I will eat better and exercise a MINIMUM of 3 days per week. My goal is to lose weight for my class reunion in August with the added benefit of having more energy and being healthier.

4) NO MORE EXCUSES- My children will watch a MINIMUM of 2 hours TV per day. And that in the afternoon while I'm making a healthy dinner.

Ok, I'm feeling empowered. Anyone else want to share?

Happy 2B mommy
12-28-2009, 09:32 AM
A MINIMUM of 2 hours of tv? (I think you mean maximum - the sleep deprivation is really getting to you, Lisa! :)

12-28-2009, 09:51 AM
A MINIMUM of 2 hours of tv? (I think you mean maximum - the sleep deprivation is really getting to you, Lisa! :)
I was thinking the same thing. Ok, I'll start thinking about resolutions... Not sure if I've ever followed them.

12-28-2009, 10:34 AM
I already have big changes planned for next year - my son is due to be born in May and I will be stopping work to be a SAHM once my current assignment is finished. I don't know what else I want to change yet with two such big things going on!

12-28-2009, 10:44 AM
None for me. Too much pressure. :) I like to spread my life changes out throughout the year and take them in baby steps. There are things I do want to change though and will get to:
-stay on top of my emails
-promptly thank people for gifts, volunteer help or anything else because I am good 90% of the time but that 10% makes me feel bad
-eat more produce
-keep an ongoing list of where I put things when I think I am putting them in a "safe", obvious place because I usually can't recall that spot when I need the item!
-pursue some new friendships with people I would like to get to know better
-remind myself that I only get one shot at this life and it is going by too quickly! Savor and reach for goals.


12-28-2009, 10:48 AM
We are going to go through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University this year. So I hope to become more intentional about spending and saving this year.