View Full Version : How did your 2009 resolutions go?

12-29-2009, 02:17 PM
I was thinking about this today. For once my new years resolutions went really well. Probably because in 2009 they were more tangible, especially for recycling and cutting back on our use. I did things like bringing lunches from home; getting reusable containers for snacks, drinks, sandwiches and other stuff; using rags instead of so many paper towels; no longer using paper plates (much to my MILs dismay, lol); getting recycling bins and learning about our local recycling programs.

I am looking to 2010 after 2009 being a rough year in many other ways (surgeries for me and dh, difficult extended family health crises, van being stolen and the aftermath of multiple court situations) and debating what my resolutions should be. It feels good to look back and say "This really worked for me!" so I want to think carefully.

Was wondering how others felt about their 2009 New Year's resolutions? How will that impact those for 2010?