View Full Version : I can't believe people are *STILL* selling those recalled cribs on CL

01-13-2010, 01:04 AM
I am no safety nazi, but I cannot believe people are selling these old, drop side cribs and touting them like they are these great deals! Death Trap for your newborn! Only $50! What gets me even more mad is that a lot of low income people use Craigslist and message from CPSC have a hard time reaching that population because of language barriers and lack of internet access. I wish CL would police it, but I know that is pretty unrealistic.

I was at Goodwill the other day and there was a Maclaren stroller for sale. I told the manager that it had been recalled and she just shrugged her shoulders at me.

01-13-2010, 01:27 AM
I have my drop side crib for sale on CL. It is a Storkcraft and I have both recall sets for it. If someone buys it, I don't see that as a bad thing. If the cribs are used per the instructions, they aren't death traps. Its only when people don't follow the instructions that there have been problems (ie., install the sliding side upside down). With the recall part installed, that side no longer slides.


01-13-2010, 01:29 AM
It's hard to figure out which are the recalled cribs sometimes....there are many drop side cribs that are safe (not saying that the ones on your CL aren't the recalled ones but there are a lot of ones that are fine).....what's really bad are the nasty, disgusting, waaaay expired carseats on CL...often for 30 or 50 bucks....ya I'll give you 50 dollars for an expired velour overhead shield 3pt harness carseat, crumbs included!!!

If you're sure it's a recalled crib you can flag it over and over..chose prohibited....and it'll get taken down.

01-13-2010, 01:36 AM
I expect to someday sell my two MacLaren strollers. With the refit kits that makes them "safe" after the recall. Never was a recall here in Canada. The problem with the Mac stroller is a problem inherent in all strollers that fold. Which is a pretty large number of strollers:dizzy: Keep your DC away from it when folding and you should be fine.

I also have a dropside crib (not recalled - all metal hardware) which I will probably try to sell in a few years.

I think with Craigslist, or any other secondhand purchasing option you need to shop carefully. You might be looking at something that's been recalled, or something that hasn't been, but is no longer in good condition. Buyer beware is what I say. Yes, it's good to avoid things that have been recalled, but it's also good to arm yourself with information, and exercise common sense too.

Best thing to do is educate yourself and then pick through the great deals out there. Of course, I don't hold with taking advantage of the economically disadvantaged and uninformed, but I don't see anything wrong with trying to sell something in workable condition, with refits. :) And those way expired, recalled carseats... don't get me started!

01-13-2010, 10:07 AM
Just because it is a drop side crib does not make it a deathtrap. And many people still want drop side cribs, and if they are really banned, the used market will get even hotter for them.

My drop side crib has metal hardware and has not been recalled.

Other drop side cribs had recalls against them but, as was mentioned before, it was just to get a "fix kit" -- once the kit is applied, they are perfectly safe to sell.

Don't buy the "deathtrap" crib if you don't want it.

Oh and I'd snap up a Maclaren stroller in a moment. I'm not concerned about the recall. I don't know many people that are. It's recalls like that one that really make people more skeptical of recalls in general.