View Full Version : DD2 doesn't nap...HELP!

Mommy Of A Little Angel
01-13-2010, 01:39 PM
DD2 is the worst napper. DD1 was pretty bad at this age and since I have used completely different methods with each of them, it must just be me. DD2 is 7 months old and takes 3-4 30 minute naps a day. 30 minutes is the longest. Some are 5 minutes, most are 20. I rock her for a few minutes and she settles down to sleep then I put her in her crib. Yes, I put her down asleep. When she wakes up, she will not go back to sleep. No amount of walking or rocking or soothing will get her back.

Nights had been okay until recently. She is waking every three hours. I am exhausted and she is EBF so I am feeding her. DH has tried settling her back to sleep, but it's really no use.

What can I do? I am exhausted and I feel bad for DD1 who just wants some mommy time but with DD2 not napping, it's difficult. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

01-13-2010, 01:46 PM
Are you watching for sleep cues. In my experience 30 min naps are a sign of overtired. I love the book Baby Whisperer Solves your Sleep Problems.

01-13-2010, 02:25 PM
Probably not the answer you were looking for, but I would start putting her down in her crib awake. My dd is 8 months old and I started doing this when she was around 4-5 months old. This is after a horrible experience with ds #1 where I let him sleep on me for 9 months :( DD falls asleep with little or no wimpering and she can put herself back to sleep when she wakes in the middle of the night (most times). She doesn't take super long naps, but she has put herself back to sleep for naps too if I leave her for a little bit.

Letting them cry is very hard and some parents just can't do it. You have to feel comfortable with whatever changes you decide to make. This whole sleep thing can be very emotional...hang in there!!

01-13-2010, 02:30 PM
Are you watching for sleep cues. In my experience 30 min naps are a sign of overtired.

I agree, shorter naps in my house were helped by putting DD at least a half an hour earlier than usual.

I like Elizabeth Pantley's books.