View Full Version : Do you stink after tanning?

01-13-2010, 06:38 PM
I've never been tanning before. I'm in need of some sunlight for the winter blues and as I know that there are lights without the UVs to help with this, the idea of just laying in a tanning bed with nothing else to do for 5 minutes sounds very appealing to me (crazy I know). Would I stink my coworkers out of the office if I went during my lunch break?

01-13-2010, 07:25 PM
No, unless you have really stinky sweat you'll be fine. You will sweat, though.

However, tanning beds are terrible for you, even for 5 minutes. It's not like sitting outside in the sun for 5 minutes, it's worse. I'd almost sooner advise someone to smoke a cigarette.

01-13-2010, 08:35 PM
I worked at a tanning salon for a while...worst decision ever. But yes, generally you will smell a little off. Know why? It's your skin burning. No joke. The UVB rays literally fry your skin to give it that nice toasty look, and smell. No lotion can cover it up, and the after-tanning-shower-spray-in-a-bottle won't fully cover it up.

01-13-2010, 09:37 PM
Yes, you will smell. Its a low level, dead skin smell that maybe only you can smell. But yes, its true. Its not healthy and I dont do it, (not since HS) but I dont think trying it once will kill you. Especailly if it will burn off some winter blues, its fine! Just dont get addicted or buy a package.

01-13-2010, 10:02 PM
Yes, I used to work in a salon and you have a smell afterward from skin burning.

As a Melanoma survivor myself, someone who also watched a close friend buried at 30 from Melanoma, I urge you to reconsider, even going once.

01-13-2010, 10:05 PM
As someone who had a melanoma removed from her back during my 2nd trimester, I urge you to find a different solution. I had gone to a tanning salon in the past but I was not one of those who went every week. It is very dangerous!

There are UV lamps that you can get to help with SAD. My sister-in-law has one in her office that she turns on for 15-30 minutes a day.

01-14-2010, 02:47 PM
Thanks for all the input! I had no idea that it could be so bad for you (even just once). I think I'll rethink my options!