View Full Version : Anyone take Prometrium while TTC?

01-14-2010, 11:33 AM
My OB has suggested that I take prometrium during the second half of my cycle to reduce the chance of early miscarriage. I'm supposed to start taking it tomorrow and like a good researcher I googled it which is always a bad idea.
Anyone BTDT? I'm just wondering what side effects or mood issues I should be on the look out for.

01-14-2010, 11:37 AM
I think that is what I took after the IUI I had to become PG with DS. I believe my progesterone was 10 and that was extremely low. I did suppositories 2x/day for 3 months and then all was fine.

01-14-2010, 11:44 AM
I use it to start a cycle when I've gone too long (pcos). I personally do much better on prometrium vs provera. Provera left me feeling like I had the worst mood swings and PMS ever. I do fine on prometrium. I used crinone after ovulation with ds (rx'd by my RE following IUI, which I don't think is done much anymore...but at the time that particular RE was a fan). Had low p4 with dd (conceived on our own, my level with her was just under 10...9 point something, which wasn't too hot) and used prometrium (vaginally, although the regular OB I rushed in to see RX'd it for oral use...which from what I've read is unlikely to be terribly effective) until I could get crinone. Used just prometrium with baby number 3.

edited to fix typo

01-14-2010, 05:22 PM
I did either prometrium or provera (can't remember which now) during the cycle I got pregnant with DD #1. I continued on through most of the first trimester.

It worked for us (or at least didn't hurt anything) and I don't remember any negative side effects. I had a very, very easy healthy pregnancy with her.

Good luck.

01-14-2010, 05:51 PM
I'm pretty sure I took it with DD1 and this baby, both IVF babies. I may have used while going through IUI, but at this point I really can't remember 100%. It didn't bother me.

Clomid was the one that made me a total emotional wreck. In a big, bad, going into dark places in the psyche, fantasize about driving off bridges kind of way. Bleck. I will never.ever. take Clomid again. Lots of people are just fine on it, but it just doesn't jive with my chemical make up I guess.

01-14-2010, 06:58 PM
I used it during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy with DC2 (because I was nursing DC1 and we wanted to prevent m/c). I started when we got the + test. I actually think it improved my mood and didn't have any negative side effects. I was taking it orally. Good luck!

01-14-2010, 09:11 PM
I did and I am sooo certain that is why we have DD1 and DD2. I wouldn't hesitate using it again if we were TTC again. Good luck! Sending sticky vibes your way!! :) The MW stressed that if I was meant to have a m/c due to an issue with the embryo, I would, regardless of whether I was on Prometrium or not. The Prometrium will sustain a healthy embryo pregnancy.

01-15-2010, 11:17 AM
Thanks everyone..I'm glad to hear so many positive responses. Hopefully this will help and I won't have to go through any other treatments etc.