View Full Version : What are Your Top 3 Carseat Safety Tips?

01-14-2010, 07:42 PM
I'm in a mother's group that is having an informal discussion at our next meeting. Each member is supposed to bring a list of 10 hints/tricks/did you knows about one subject. I've learned so much from reading this board and shared much of it with women in this group. I was planning on putting together a basic list of carseat info to get minds going.

So thought I would ask what you've picked up on from this board that has served you well?

I definitely thought more about RF, seat placement, LATCH usage, coats, buckle placement, and a few others from being on here.

01-14-2010, 07:53 PM
I would not have known the importance of Extended Rear Facing if not for this board. So I would guess that many people in your group may not know about it either.

Another thing people may not know is that LATCH anchors have weight limits. I learned that here, too.

Maybe "What's best for your friend's child may not be best for yours"? In other words, all kids are different and need seats that work best for them.

I'm sure you'll get lots of other suggestions. What a great idea for a meeting!

01-14-2010, 07:56 PM
Extended Rear Facing
Most seats are outgrown by height and not weight
chest clips belong at the chest
harness straps should be snug

I know it was 4...oops.

01-14-2010, 08:19 PM
If I had to give people just three things:

1. Read the manual.

2. State laws are the bare minimum.. the laws of physics are much less forgiving.

3. You will need to buy more than one seat in your child's lifetime.

01-14-2010, 08:39 PM
If the group has thrifty moms, I'd probably mention that you shouldn't buy carseats used and you should replace them after any crash. (Yes, Britax does make exceptions, but I probably would just make it easier and say "any crash.")

01-14-2010, 09:27 PM
Maybe stuff about not having 'hard' (plastic, whatever) stuff in the car that could become a 'projectile' in a crash (including window shades or whatever); maybe something about pool noodles (I didn't think they would be safe to use to adjust the seat height/ whatever, but the cop helping me install our seat gave us one to use); also the thin coat/ fleece snowsuit you mentioned (not a big puffy jacket). Also the fact that car seats have expiration dates. Also maybe a short list of good websites to get good deals on car seats (I've learned about many through this forum).

Sounds like a great meeting- wish i could hear what everyone has to say! :)

01-14-2010, 09:35 PM
A couple that haven't been said already (I think):

1) Carseats expire - usually six years but check your manual.

2) Don't be in a rush to move to booster - should be at least 4 and 40 lbs (and able to sit correctly all the time, etc.)

3) Importance of tethering - FF of course, but RF if your seat allows (a lot of my friends have Britax seats but don't know that they can tether when RFing)

01-14-2010, 09:59 PM
Some I haven't seen yet, but are issues I've run into w/friends:

1) Sorry, can't quite get the wording right...A properly installed, but inexpensive carseat that fits your child and is used correctly is just as safe as one that is big $$. A safe carseat is one that's used properly.
2) FFing seats MUST be top tethered by law in Canada, and it's a good idea to do it in the US as well
3) It's usually 1 year AND 20 pounds, not 1 year OR 20 pounds...and that's the bare minimum to turn. That should not be read as "it's necessary to turn when your kid hits that point" (cannot tell you how many well-meaning moms have told me I'm using the carseat incorrectly!) It is no way required to turn your kid at that point, nor is it unsafe or illegal to keep them rfing if they still fit the height/weight to rf in their particualr seat.

01-14-2010, 10:50 PM
What a good install looks like
Tethering is a big deal
Extended RF (if younger kids moms)
Importance of 5 point harness vs booster (if older kids moms)

01-14-2010, 10:52 PM
1) Read the manual

2) Benefits of Extended Rear Facing

3) Read the info on car-seat.org and post there if you have ANY questions about car seats

01-15-2010, 01:22 AM
Thanks ladies! Lots of these were just what I was looking for. Some of them had come through my head previously, but just weren't coming up when I sat down to write out my list.

01-15-2010, 03:12 AM
I would defer to the basics list over at car-seat.org -- I know it's more than 3 things (it's 10 bullet points), but it generally covers the bases in a clear and concise way. http://www.car-safety.org/basics.html

01-15-2010, 08:03 AM
1) Read instructions before and while installing the seat.
2) Tether
3) Check and double check your child after buckling them in.

01-15-2010, 10:37 AM
Since everyone else covered everything else, my latest three faves are...

1) Rearface to the limits of a convertible seat (weight or head one inch below the top of the seatback).
2) Harness to the limits of a convertible or forward facing seat (weight or shoulders at the top slots).
3) Booster to the limits of the booster seat (57"-63", depending on the seat, that should be tall enough to fit the seatbelt properly in most cars).

It's not about laws, it's about lives :wink2:

01-15-2010, 12:21 PM
"It's not about laws, it's about lives"

LOVE this phrase...mind if I steal it???:tongue5:

01-15-2010, 01:30 PM
No after market products should be used...head positioners, bundle mes, etc. If it don't come with the seat, it shouldn't be used.

01-15-2010, 07:50 PM
"It's not about laws, it's about lives"

LOVE this phrase...mind if I steal it???:tongue5:

Yup, it's happily shared for years by the clever inventor (not me), go for it!


01-19-2010, 01:15 PM
belovedgandp (OP), would you mind sharing the list you compiled?
I've been trying to get car seat safety as a topic in my group for awhile but no takers. I think this "list of 10" would go over well and be a perfect spot!
Well done seizing the opportunity! :bighand: