View Full Version : vent - house of sickness

01-20-2010, 02:49 PM
So my LO has hand, foot and mouth and has been in a fair amount of pain since Friday. My DH has been working more than usual, has been more stressed than usual, and isn't feeling super good either. But the final straw... we have a roommate who is sick. She's been spending her days in her room, asking me to run errands for her.

I get it that she's sick. But if she's going to cook, she can at least put away her own dishes. And could she quit making comments about how the house isn't perfect, or how we sounded frustrated last night while DD was screaming. Of course we were frustrated - it's hard to deal with 4.5 hours of screaming, when nothing works.

I am the nursemaid for DD and DH. I just don't feel like being the nursemaid for a grown woman who is unappreciative and judgmental. She's moving out in a week and a half and I.am.done.

End of vent. Thanks for listening.

01-20-2010, 04:19 PM
Oh man, big :hug: to you and your family. Imagine that, you became frustrated trying to help your DD and nothing was working. Gee, I wonder why that could have been? *eyeroll* At least she's moving out soon. Just keep repeating that to yourself. :hug:

01-20-2010, 05:20 PM
DS had hand, foot, and mouth just before Christmas. On the onset, he cried for about 1 hour straight and then for about 30 minutes everytime he woke up. His fever lasted 4 days. It really wasn't fun. Hope your roommate stays in bed!

01-20-2010, 05:32 PM
I feel for you all!!! HFM is awful!!!!!! Hope everyone is okay soon. And good riddance to the roommate.