View Full Version : Definition of Day v. Night?

02-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Does anyone know how the authors of Baby 411 define day v. night? For example, they talk about how baby should sleep x hours at night and y hours during the day. But is that 7am to 7pm for the day and vice versa for the night? Or is it when the sun is out v. not (which baby doesn't always know anyways b/c as a newborn we tend to be inside?)

Pre-baby, for us day was any time we were awake and night was when we were asleep - usually 11pm to 7am, which clearly isn't the case for our baby!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but will help give me context around the authors' thoughts and advice when reading the book.


02-04-2010, 11:01 PM
I guess I define night as from when I put the baby to bed and expect him/her to stay in bed until the baby gets up in the morning. Day time has periods of being awake after a nap. Nighttime has lots of wakings, but the goal is to get the baby back to sleep as quickly as possible.

For us, for newborn stage, night was about 10pm - 6am. By 6 or 7 weeks, it moved up to around 8pm, and by 3 months, it was 7pm.

Now, at 18 months, it's still 7pm and ends about 7am. He still wakes up around 2am, but that's definitely during the night :D