View Full Version : Another FB question

03-01-2010, 10:07 PM
Is it possible to block a 'friend' from writing on my wall? It's one of those people that just has to comment on everything and in a very childish (text-speak) type of way.

Actually, while I'm at it, can a 'friend' be blocked from actually seeing my wall? (I know about photo privacy and have that all set up, but I'd love the same type of settings for my wall!)

03-01-2010, 10:59 PM
Go to Account > Privacy Settings > Edit Friends

On the left side of the page choose Friends under Lists. Click the Create a New List button at the top; give the list a name and select the friend. Click Create List.

Go to Account > Privacy Settings > Profile Information

You can customize the options and add that new list to 'hide' options.

All that said ... if you want to block them from seeing your wall and writing on it, why not just block them entirely?

03-02-2010, 09:08 AM
Thank you, that did help. Basically I blocked my 'B' group from being able to see my wall altogether, I guess that's the closest option to what I'm looking for

All that said ... if you want to block them from seeing your wall and writing on it, why not just block them entirely?
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