View Full Version : 6.5yo and nightmares. Or something.

03-18-2010, 01:18 AM
DS is 6.5 years old. He's a sensitive child - takes everything personally and gets upset over mere words uttered by peers if he thinks it's directed at him. He's gotten a lot better as he's matured but we still have moments.

As far as sleep goes, he stopped napping at 4 and is pretty even tempered during the evening. Bedtime is 7:30pm and wake-up is between 6 and 6:30am.

It's not often (as in not everyday) but has happened frequently enough to where it's not a shocker that he has... nightmares? He doesn't scream or cry, but he does come out of his room shaking and disoriented. He usually mutters nonsensical words and I can converse with him. It doesn't make any sense though. For example, the last episode (like 10 minutes ago) he kept saying "Come on Mom! Let's go!" But I couldn't get him to expand on that. Hmmm, I guess that's not really conversing, is it? OK, more like I can try to talk to him and he tries to answer but he's locked into whatever it is playing in his mind so our conversations don't make sense.

I usually take him to the bathroom and give him a drink of water. He's shaking the whole time and I can tell he's scared bc he's looking frantically all around like he's trying to find something. I tell him it's a dream, it's bedtime, let's go back to sleep, etc. And he agrees but 2 minutes after I leave him, he walks out again and it repeats. And repeats. And repeats. Until I get irked and make him stay in bed (by telling him he can't get out of bed anymore or he'll get in trouble). Usually by this time he stays in and all is well.

There's a nightlight in his room and he has his lovey. I make sure he knows that he has his lovey. He shares the bedroom with his sister so she is usually awakened as well bc he talks so loud.

At first I thought he was sleep walking but now I'm not so sure. He displays emotions (scared, trepidation, agitation, etc.) and seems to be awake but trapped in his mind.

Does anyone know what this and how do I resolve this problem? There are some factors that contribute to his episodes (overtired, slightly late bedtime) but it does happen when it's a normal day as well.

03-18-2010, 08:28 AM
This exact same thing happens to our oldest DS...he just turned 7 last month. They call it Confusional Arousals and this link really helped me understand what was happening. Make sure to read both pages as Dr. Greene talks about his own experience on the second page. We just make sure he is safe, have him go to the bathroom and the episodes usually resolve themselves within 10 minutes and he goes back to bed. He has no memory of it ever happening in the morning. They range from mild to him running through the house completely disoriented. Very upsetting to watch as a parent, but know that they can be totally normal. HTH!!


03-18-2010, 08:29 AM
My 2 oldest girls are anxious kids in different ways that impact their sleep. My oldest is super-sensitive like your son. Her sensitivity is improving slowly with much coaching and natural maturing. She has a very hard time winding down at night and often falls asleep late, after I've already fallen asleep. But once she is asleep, she sleeps the whole night.

My middle one is not so sensitive (or at least she doesn't show it) but anxious. She has a hard time falling asleep too. Problem is, she goes through periods when an hour or two after she falls asleep she pops up comes downstairs to me and dh in a panic about not being able to sleep. At first I would try to talk to her and she would get extremely aggitated and angry (very out of character) until I finally caught on that she wasn't quite fully awake even though it appeared she was. So now, I just simply tell her very gently "you're ok, you were sleeping, go back to bed" and I lead her into her bed and she goes right back to sleep. This seems to flare up when there is lack of sleep (overtired).

I do think there is a sleep/anxiety cycle that both girls get into at least once a year. It's horrible when it's happening at the same time, which it did last year! Maybe you can try not to engage too much (take him to the bathroom, discuss, etc) and simply repeat that he's OK and to go back to sleep? It might get him settled down faster.

03-18-2010, 11:11 AM
Maybe you can try not to engage too much (take him to the bathroom, discuss, etc) and simply repeat that he's OK and to go back to sleep? It might get him settled down faster.

This is my suggestion too. We've had sleep terrors (great link from pp) for years and are pretty used to them too. If he's leaving his room again after 2 minutes, I would suggest staying with him for at least 10 minutes to make sure he's really settled back in and build that habit of peacefully staying in bed.


03-18-2010, 11:17 AM
I do what your 6.5 yo does. The only thing that helps is to keep my room COLD. If I get too hot, it happens EVERY time. Make sure he stays cool (fan, few blankets, light pjs, etc.).

Good luck.

03-18-2010, 02:57 PM
One of my twins does this, he wakes up totally scared and crying, 1-2 times a week, mostly 2, sometimes 3. He is not awake and not aware of his surroundings. He heads toward our bed but sometimes fights our touches. I keep repeating to him in my most soothing voice 'Its Mommy Noah, everything is ok, everything is ok. Mommy has you, you are safe. Everything is ok, everything is ok.' It seems to sink in and he curls up really tight to me.

I have some insomnia problems and have to fall asleep watching TV (other post) and DH does the same thing. If I hear him I go up because DH says Noah always asks/mumbles for Mommy.

He is sensitive also. Are any of your DC also flip-floppers while sleeping? This kid is all over the place while he sleeps. He turns circles, lol!