View Full Version : Did pregnancy make you crazy?

03-22-2010, 01:06 AM
This was why I was dreading getting pregnant again . . . not only am I very sensitive on the physical side with fatigue, nausea etc in the first trimester but when that finally subsides I have a tendency to go mental!!

I am confident that I am not depressed in a steady-state way. It is more these incredible ups and downs that change dramatically from day to day coupled with an increased level of anxiety. And the downs are just not like me, it is not the "way" I tend to get sad if that it makes any sense and the feeling is so extreme and the hopelessness unlike anything I have ever experienced when not pregnant. And then I will feel absolutely fine a couple of days later only to eventually start the cycle again. If I believed in demonic posssession I would say that best fits my symptoms. :)

I am seeing my ob this week but I am not optimistic. Medication tends to be a disaster for me - - in fact, I think this is the reason pregnany is so hard on me, my body over-reacts to any chemical or hormonal change. I am going to try exercising in my "free" time I guess.

Has anyone else experienced extreme mood swings during pregnancy or something other than a classic depression?

03-22-2010, 01:36 AM
Yes on the mood swings. I don't know about all out crazy, but it's a roller coaster! I found that to be true the second time around, in my case up until month 6 or so especially. I finally feel like I've hit my stride with this pregnancy, at 7.5 months!

The first 3 months - utterly exhausted, utterly nauseous, almost felt unable to do anything for a period of time. Could not have made it w/o an extremely supportive DH who pretty much took over DD's care during that time.
Next 3 months - not much nausea but awful heartburn and reflux, developed a lot of leg pain, got sick a few times and went through some really low periods.
So far the last trimester has been the best part of my pregnancy, although who knows what the next 6 weeks hold in store! I do have some anxious moments but so far not too bad.

To all those people who breeze through your pregnancies, you don't know how lucky you are!!! Hang in there, mama, and hope things get better soon. Glad you are talking to your OB and hope she is able to help.

03-22-2010, 06:41 AM
Yes, I become a hyper-sensitive, grumpy person.

03-22-2010, 06:45 AM
I didn't, but just wanted to say congratulations! Must've missed your outing!

03-22-2010, 07:42 AM
I was treated for depression during both of my pregnancys. The sense of hopelessness at home and work was overwhelming. With #2, I seriously considered leaving DH and aborting DS. Reflecting back, these feelings make no sense to me. I also did not respond normally to work stress to the point of damaging work relationships.

With #1, I thought I was just working through some bad things that had happened to me. When it repeated with #2, I realized that it was just me. By the end of the second trimester I felt like I should never have #3 because I can't handle the irrational craziness brought on by pregnancy. (now I am on the fence - babies are wonderful, but tiring!)

03-22-2010, 07:44 AM
Yes! So much that DH is not sold on the idea of #2 (along w/ colic and DD being extrememly high needs!). I worked out daily on my lunch hour and I was still totally crazy :)

03-22-2010, 07:58 AM
I would say stupid more than crazy. :confused: I forgot things a LOT, and just got confused. I started writing things in a little book.

I've always wondered if people who get moody while pregnant also get moody when PMSing? I think I need an NIH grant to study this. :)

03-22-2010, 10:05 AM
I would say stupid more than crazy. :confused:

Last night I was swearing my head off because our shower ran out of hot water before I even had a chance to rinse my hair. Or at least it seemed to. DH had to remind me of which way the shower handle went for Hot/Cold. Oh, right. Plenty of hot water after that. :bouncy:

I feel about as moody pregnant as I do when PMS-y, and in both cases just being aware that "it's not me, it's the hormones" seems to help both me and DH to deal. But if I were feeling worse than that, I wouldn't hesitate to talk to my OB or ask to see a psychiatrist.

03-22-2010, 10:40 AM
Citymama, you just described my entire pregnancy cycle - - it was def. beyond fatigue in trimester 1, I was incapacitated. And now this mental craziness!

To the posters with the interesting points about PMS, I have (had) PMS BAD. So bad I never talk about it with people IRL because it brings up feminist issues for alot of people. Unless I am on a bc pill, I basically have the non-violent equivalent of a violent rage each month - - I mean absolute fury. I have threatened to leave DH, stormed out of gatherings, even thrown things (minor things like a scarf). This is NOT the way I feel or behave any other time of the month.

Thank you to the poster who mentioned thinking about abortion and leaving work. I too am finding myself thinking about making huge life changes in ways that strike me as not the most rational. I have resolved not to make any big decisions until baby #2 is six months old and hopefully I have returned to my normal self . . .

03-22-2010, 10:58 AM
Yes, but it also made me lose any sort of short-term memory.

03-22-2010, 03:01 PM
Yes. I had anxiety, probably due to the bad outcome of my first pregnancy.

I was a total basket case by the end of both pg's. Partially because of this, I was induced 10 days early w/DS and one week early w/DD. I just could NOT be pregnant any more, I was freaking out.

In my normal life, I am very stable and even-keeled! ;)

03-22-2010, 05:07 PM
I was! Depressed, a little irrational, that sort of thing with both pregnancies. (I even thought nursery tunes were in too minor a key, so very weird.) I had to keep really, really good tabs on myself to overcome it.

Hope it gets better for you.

03-22-2010, 05:14 PM
I missed the congratulations boat also :yay:!

With DD2 I was quite emotional in the 2nd trimester, little things would set me off or I would melt down into a pool of tears pretty easily. I thought "oh great, now this", b/c my 1st trimester was nothing but nausea ALL day/night.

DD1 I was nothing like that. I was quite the happy preggo gal. However, afterwards I do believe I had a little ppd, but 14 years ago, there wasn't much out on the subject.

You are probably just adjusting hormonally and the ride will smooth out soon.

Congrats again.

03-22-2010, 09:15 PM
I had to be treated for depression when preg. with dd. Also,my temper was out of control and I became enraged at the slightest thing. It wasn't pretty.
Aside from that-Congratulations!!!