View Full Version : Dear MIL of SIL...

03-22-2010, 09:19 PM
please never speak to me. Do you not realize that I try to avoid you at any family gathering where we both might be present?
No, it is not "a shame" that DS's eyes are not blue like DN's (her granddaughter).
I have blue eyes, it's really no biggie. Do you not realize that you tell me every single time I see you that it's too bad that his eyes changed from blue to brown??

Do you also not realize that it might be offensive, as a working mom, to tell me that you think the reason your granddaughter (my 3 yo DN) is so smart is because SIL stays home with her all day? Or maybe you just don't care. I won't even go there with my own assessment on DN and how "smart" or "ahead" I think she is.
Thank God you are not my MIL. I will let SIL deal with you.

03-22-2010, 09:38 PM
Oy. Just send me her phone number and I'll yell at her for you. I've had a totally crappy day and would love to "let 'er rip" on someone's head.

Seriously, though, that is so sad. Your kiddos are precious! Pooey on her. Hugs all around!

03-22-2010, 09:41 PM
Oy. Just send me her phone number and I'll yell at her for you. I've had a totally crappy day and would love to "let 'er rip" on someone's head.

Seriously, though, that is so sad. Your kiddos are precious! Pooey on her. Hugs all around!

Thanks. ;)
Can I take a raincheck on the phone call? I want to save it for FIL actually. Please PM me when you are having one of those days again. ;) Sorry your day sucked.

03-22-2010, 10:29 PM
Oh boy. She's a piece of work. I know you can't help it but she isn't worth your time. Try to ignore.

My MIL still thinks it's a mystery where our kids got their blue eyes since she has brown. Apparently they can't come from me... it's so mysterious. :rolleye0014:

03-22-2010, 10:41 PM
Please, please, please tell me she has brown eyes??? It would be so much fun to think of you being able to say something snarky about how they look JUST LIKE HERS. But then I'm not a nice person...

And I think she is just being defensive about SIL being a SAHM. My mother pulls stuff like this now and then about my sister being a WOHM and DNiece having so many friends because of daycare. So it cuts both ways.

03-22-2010, 11:16 PM
My MIL still thinks it's a mystery where our kids got their blue eyes since she has brown. Apparently they can't come from me... it's so mysterious. :rolleye0014:

Do we have the same MIL? Because she used to make the exact same comments about DS's hazel eyes and blondish hair. I have hazel eyes, half my family is blond and has hazel/blue/green eyes, mmmmh I wonder... She tells everyone DS got his hair color from SIL who DYES HER HAIR BLOND. Everyone knows that's not her natural color.

Anyway, OP, sorry to wander off the subject of your BP, just ignore the lady. Or give her some really sarcastic answers, that usually shuts MIL up.

03-24-2010, 02:06 PM
Well, to play devil's advocate here, obviously, it is important for her to point these things out to you because you would love DC sooooooooo much more if the eyes were blue and you would be soooooooooo much better a mom if you were SAHM (phoooey). Next time, just agree with her and respond: "yes it is a shame about his eyes. We are thinking of giving him away and starting over. Do you know anyone who would be willing to adopt such an unfortunate child?"

Well, it maybe not the best advice for family peace, but her comments just burn me up (on your behalf). My MIL says similar things (esp. the comparisons between my DD and DN).

03-24-2010, 04:25 PM
Do we have the same MIL? Because she used to make the exact same comments about DS's hazel eyes and blondish hair. I have hazel eyes, half my family is blond and has hazel/blue/green eyes, mmmmh I wonder... She tells everyone DS got his hair color from SIL who DYES HER HAIR BLOND. Everyone knows that's not her natural color.

Anyway, OP, sorry to wander off the subject of your BP, just ignore the lady. Or give her some really sarcastic answers, that usually shuts MIL up.

Hey, I have the same MIL too! My DS apparently gets his blond hair from his adopted aunt (DH's family). Apparently the fact that I come from a family of blondes and my dad is Scandinavian could not possibly account for DS's hair colour!

03-24-2010, 04:40 PM
Just saw that this thread came back to life. ;) Yes, I know I shouldn't care what she says, and for the most part I really don't. I mean DH and I are not even related to her. But she is just so annoying! And yes, it would be the same thing if my mom told SIL how my own DD is so much better off for having a nanny or for me being a WOHM for whatever reason. Just annoying.
But the eyes thing! Yes, I think next time I will just agree with her. Tell her that we decided to stop having kids because I couldn't handle another horribly ugly brown eyed baby.

03-24-2010, 04:50 PM
Yuck, man. She sounds like a real booger.

03-24-2010, 04:58 PM
Just saw that this thread came back to life. ;) Yes, I know I shouldn't care what she says, and for the most part I really don't. I mean DH and I are not even related to her. But she is just so annoying! And yes, it would be the same thing if my mom told SIL how my own DD is so much better off for having a nanny or for me being a WOHM for whatever reason. Just annoying.
But the eyes thing! Yes, I think next time I will just agree with her. Tell her that we decided to stop having kids because I couldn't handle another horribly ugly brown eyed baby.

Yep, I shut this one down FAST when a relative made a comment IN FRONT OF DS1 that "it was a shame he wasn't a light skinned as [I am]". My response. "Yes, we would love him more if he were lighter. We're going to have another one in the hopes that the second one lightens up. It's really ugly to look at." Shut her up in a heartbeat.
The funny part? This person has darker skin and CLEARLY has issues. Ok honey, but you are not going to give my kid any issues to go with yours.

I love that later DS1 was talking and was honestly confused what had happened because "it doesn't matter if your green mom, it matters if you are a nice person." He's listening! :)