View Full Version : Stroller for rollerblading?

04-02-2010, 12:40 AM
I often see moms rollerblading with jogging strollers. I would love to be able to rollerblade again. Does anybody rollerblade with a stroller? Which jogging stroller do you use? I'm looking for recommendations. Thanks.

04-02-2010, 01:31 AM
The only thing I've ever seen about this is not to do it. It is not safe.

That being said, I have seen a woman rollerblading with a regular stroller, the kind you would see at the mall or whatever. Her child never looked very happy, but I think that had more to do with Mom's headphones (so she didn't know the child was crying) than with the stroller.

04-02-2010, 02:02 AM
That being said, I have seen a woman rollerblading with a regular stroller, the kind you would see at the mall or whatever. Her child never looked very happy, but I think that had more to do with Mom's headphones (so she didn't know the child was crying) than with the stroller.


And yes, I also think it would be a really bad idea to rollerblade while pushing a stroller. It is way too easy to fall down which could cause you to lose control of the stroller. And even if you have a BOB with the wrist strap attached to the bottom bar (vs. the top where if you fell you would take the whole stroller down with you) it just seems like a really bad idea.

I have never actually seen anyone do it. OP, where have you seen the rollerblading stroller pushers?

04-02-2010, 02:13 AM
Years ago (before baby was even in our thoughts), I used to live in LA and saw tons of moms (or was it the same mom everytime?! kidding...) rollerblading and pushing strollers by the beach. At that time, I wanted to be that mom when I would be a mom :D Now, that I'm a mom, I don't want to be that mom - looks way too dangerous for reasons mentioned by PPs.

my $0.02

04-02-2010, 05:55 PM
We have a nice wide, paved trail that runs through the woods near my house. I often see multiple moms rollerblading with jogging strollers. I managed to ask one of the moms about how easy it was to stop with the stroller. She said she could quickly stop with the help of the stroller's handbrake.

04-02-2010, 09:25 PM
if that mom trips on something and falls, the handbrake isn't going to do her any good. She'll end up flat on her face and, if she doesn't have a wrist strap, the stroller will roll away out of control. Not a good scenario.

Not that I would promote it, but IF you do end up rollerblading with a stroller you better make sure the child is properly strapped in and that you're using a wriststrap - attached to the lower frame.