View Full Version : What is the max. amount of ounces your infant (under 1) ever drank in a day?

04-04-2010, 08:06 PM
I am trying to wonder what is the upper end. Poll coming. I think the most my kids ever had was around 32-34 ounces.

04-04-2010, 08:12 PM
are you talking formula? DS1 drank 54oz at 3 months old. 6a,9a,12p,3p,6p,9p --8oz bottles ( sucked the baggies up into the old style playtex nursers) and a 6oz at about 2 am. We started him on solids at that point. He was a bottomless pit but was in the 95% in height and 90th in weight.

04-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Whoa Jeana! That was one hungry boy. :)

Yes, I was thinking formula, although I don't mind if anyone wants to guesstimate if they BFed.

04-04-2010, 08:18 PM
He was always my best eater. I started him on food JUST to cut down on the cost of formula. Once he started on food he went 4 hrs+ between his 8oz bottles and gave up his night bottle. My sitter used to laugh she had to pick the baggies out of the nipples to rinse them he didnt leave ONE DROP.

04-04-2010, 08:19 PM
The most would be (2) 10 oz bottles.

04-04-2010, 09:08 PM
That is like DD. She ate every 3 hours round the clock. She rarely ever went more than 3 hours. If she did go longer it was b/c she would eat 12-14 ounces in one feeding. She is still (at 2.5) a really big eater.

04-04-2010, 09:32 PM
For F, I don't know. For the few months he was getting formula, it was in the 2-8 ounces a day range but he was nursing 7+ times a day too. He is still nursing and I just don't know.

For T, who was a huge baby and on formula exclusively past 6 months, he was in the 30-40 ounce range IIRC. He ate a ton of food from 4 months on. He was the largest one year old I have ever met.