View Full Version : Home Pedicure tips

04-06-2010, 11:06 AM
My feet are really prone to callouses and they especially look rough after the winter. I'm on a quest to get them "sandal ready". What tips do you have for a good home pedicure/ foot treatment?

I would normally go get a pedicure at a salon, but we don't have that in the budget right now and I really struggle to find a time to do it as well.

Tondi G
04-06-2010, 12:05 PM
soak in warm water with some salts/essential oils to soften it all up. Get a good scrubber with a pumice stone. scrub scrub scrub... use the brush on toes to clean up. put cuticle remover on and push/trim some cuticles. then moisturize heavily.... maybe with some shea butter or if you have nothing else aquaphor and then put socks on. At night before bed moisturize heavily and then put socks on top.



04-06-2010, 12:57 PM
Avon has some awesome deals on their pedicure stuff:

I like the lace foot file for getting good "leverage" on filing off calluses. Soaking for a while before filing will help soften the skin up. After that, I slather on some lotion and try to sleep with a pair of cotton socks on so that the lotion can soak in.

If you can use their online tool to find a rep in your area, you can get free personal delivery; looks like standard shipping is around $3; you can get free shipping on $30 orders, but you could go and get a pedi for that.